Ihre Quelle für maßgeschneiderte
Das 2004 gegründete Unternehmen Pure ist eine Full-Service-Kreativproduktionsagentur, die sich auf greifbare Marketingmaterialien spezialisiert hat. Wir bringen die Welten von Kommunikationsagenturen, Vermarktern und Einkauf zusammen. Die Kombination aus einem einzigartigen internationalen Einkaufsnetzwerk, kreativen Wurzeln und vor allem breitem Produktionswissen versetzt uns in eine einzigartige Position. Unsere erfahrenen Projektmanager entlasten unsere Kunden, sodass wir Entwicklung, Beschaffung, Produktion und Logistik nahtlos miteinander verbinden können.
Wir kaufen direkt von Fabriken, ohne Zwischenhändler einzusetzen, die keinen Mehrwert bieten. Wir sind sowohl der Qualität unserer Produkte als auch der Minimierung der Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt verpflichtet. Durch ISO-Zertifizierungen im Qualitätsmanagement (ISO 9001) und im Umweltmanagement (ISO 14001) haben wir unsere Verpflichtung zur kontinuierlichen Verbesserung gewährleistet.
Wir machen Marken greifbar
Pure ist eine Kommunikationsagentur, die sich auf rein produktive Formen der Kommunikation spezialisiert hat. Wir arbeiten mit Ihnen zusammen und nutzen unser Produktionswissen, um die Wirkung Ihrer Konzepte zu maximieren.
Wir erweitern und bereichern Ihre Möglichkeiten
Produktionsmöglichkeiten bilden die Grundlage unserer Kreativität und unseres Handelns. Das bedeutet, dass Pure immer wieder mit kreativen und effizienten Lösungen aufwartet und dass wir mehr als nur praktische Unterstützung für Ihre Marketing- und Kommunikationsartikel bieten.
Produktion und Kreativität verstärken sich gegenseiti
Wir bei Pure glauben, dass sich Produktion und Kreativität gegenseitig inspirieren können und sollten. Unser Engagement sorgt dafür, dass kreative Ideen das Licht der Welt erblicken können – im Rahmen Ihres Budgets, technisch machbar und termingerecht produziert.
Umweltschutz haben wir in unserer DNA
Da Pure von Beginn der Lieferkette an involviert ist, spielen wir eine wichtige beratende Rolle für unsere Kunden. Das gibt uns eine ideale Position und damit auch eine Verantwortung gegenüber einer grünen und gesunden Umwelt. Es ist unsere Überzeugung, dass ein florierendes Unternehmen möglich ist, aber nur, wenn wir auch die Erde florieren lassen.
Immer mehr Auftraggeber haben Nachhaltigkeitsambitionen. Dadurch sind verschiedene spezialisierte Zertifizierungen auf dem Markt entstanden. Wir haben uns für die umfassende ISO 14001-Zertifizierung entschieden, weil sie Struktur in unsere Umwelt- und Nachhaltigkeitspolitik bringt. Durch die Integration in unsere Prozesse arbeiten wir kontinuierlich an der Verbesserung unserer Umweltleistung und des Bewusstseins unserer Mitarbeiter. Dies gewährleistet unseren Auftraggebern die Integration der neuesten Möglichkeiten zur Verbesserung der gemeinsamen Umweltleistung. Periodische externe Audits garantieren, dass es nicht nur bei einem Versprechen bleibt.
Qualität ist unser zweiter Vorname
Pure verpflichtet sich zu verantwortungsbewusstem und nachhaltigem Geschäftsbetrieb. Als Unternehmen, das sowohl nach ISO 9001 als auch nach ISO 14001 zertifiziert ist, gewährleisten wir Qualität, indem wir in allen Prozessen mit einem Qualitätsmanagementsystem arbeiten. Bei der Auswahl unserer Lieferanten berücksichtigen wir neben der Produktqualität auch soziale, ethische und Umweltaspekte. Unsere Lieferanten entsprechen unserem Verhaltenskodex, der die SA8000®-Kriterien erfüllt. Unser sorgfältiger Auswahlprozess wird von einer akribischen Überwachung der Fertigung und von Audits und Inspektionen durch unsere lokalen Kollegen begleitet. Pflicht- oder freiwillige Qualitätsprüfungen werden auch von unabhängigen Prüfinstituten wie SGS oder Intertek durchgeführt.
Mehr lesenOur products
Nachhaltigste Wahl, Karton-Kugelschreiber
Papier ist eines der am einfachsten zu recycelnden Materialien und hat eine begrenzte Auswirkung auf die Umwelt, wenn es in den Abfallstrom gelangt. Daher sind Karton-Kugelschreiber eine verantwortungsbewusste und nachhaltige Wahl.
HBO, Game of Thrones Tasse
Diese Tasse mit rotierendem Logo, die speziell für die TV-Serie Game of Thrones in Zusammenarbeit mit HBO entworfen wurde, ist ein Premium-Werbeartikel. Game of Thrones hat eine engagierte Fangemeinde, die ihre Liebe zur Serie gerne zeigt. Eindrucksvolle Merchandise bietet eine großartige Gelegenheit, diese Fans noch stärker an die Marke zu binden.
Rubix, 4-in-1 LED Nachtlicht
Dieses 4-in-1 LED-Nachtlicht ist vielseitig einsetzbar, von der Heimarbeit bis zum Kinderzimmer, vom Hotelzimmer bis zum Campingplatz. Es verfügt über einen Bewegungssensor, ein subtil seitlich strahlendes LED-Nachtlicht, USB-Anschlüsse und eine Standardsteckdose. Ein Werbeartikel, der von jedem geschätzt werden kann.
Maßgeschneiderte Socken, Socken, keine Krawatten!
Die Krawatte verliert in vielen Märkten an Bedeutung und ist daher in nicht allen europäischen Märkten mehr einsetzbar. Die maßgeschneiderte Socke gewinnt schnell an Boden. Das Artwork kann vollständig individuell gestaltet werden, was es zu einem wirklich kreativen Produkt macht. Auch die Verpackung trägt zum Geschenkgefühl bei.
MAN trucks, Maßgeschneiderte Firmenbekleidung
Über unser internationales Netzwerk können wir maßgeschneiderte Firmenbekleidung in relativ kleinen Stückzahlen entwickeln. Die Verwendung von eigener Kleidung in eigenen Farben und Details bietet eine größere Markenbekanntheit und fügt der Werbeartikel echte Wertschöpfung hinzu. Mit guter Planung sind die Kosten vergleichbar mit Standardmaterialien aus Lagerbeständen.
Elsom Seeds, Bekleidungslinie
Elsoms ist der führende unabhängige Saatgutspezialist und Pflanzenzüchter im Vereinigten Königreich. Wir haben eine Bekleidungslinie mit Poloshirts, T-Shirts, Hemden, Softshell-Westen, Beanies und Schals entwickelt. Wir haben auch den Bestellprozess organisiert, um den Betrieb unseres Kunden zu entlasten.
Kugelschreiber mit impact, Charakter-Kugelschreiber
Ein vollständig maßgeschneiderter Kugelschreiber. Dieser Kugelschreiber in Form eines Kochs bietet im Vergleich zu einem herkömmlichen Kugelschreiber zusätzliche Sichtbarkeit. Wie würde der Kugelschreiber aussehen, wenn wir einen für Ihre Organisation herstellen würden?
Sustainable writing, Cork pens
If you want to produce pens in very large quantities and suitable as a mailing insert, the product’s cost price and the light weight to limit postage costs are crucial. Cork turned out to be a suitable choice. Cork pens are more sustainable than plastic pens, and the plastic parts of these pens are made from wheat straw.
Insert für Mailings, Korkuntersetzer
Kork ist sogar leichter als Bambus und daher sehr gut für nachhaltige Werbeartikel geeignet. Für diesen Kunden ist das leichte Material interessant, da es als Beilage für Mailings verwendet wird. Das macht es nicht nur nachhaltig, sondern spart auch Portokosten.
Bleistift, Langfristige Werbeartikel
Ein Bleistift ist eine gute Alternative zu einem Kugelschreiber und bleibt oft länger bei den Menschen als die meisten Stifte. Ein sehr kostengünstiger Werbeartikel, der auch eine langfristige Sichtbarkeit bietet. Ist das nicht nachhaltig?
M & M, Peanut Ball
Who hasn’t heard of this M&M peanut ball? On paper it looks like an impossible product. In the shop, it is a promotional gift that stimulates sales like no other and on TV it’s an advertising property that lasts.
10KNTS, Custom made camera bags
For 10KNTS we developed a range of camera bags with the needs of today’s photographer in mind. Made of sturdy, water repellent canvas, the bag combines the traditions of old with the technique and functionality of today. No gimmicks, no compromises. Find out more about the bags at www.10knts.com. A 10KNTS bag stands out from the camera bag crowd. With its rectangular and diamond trademark design, every bag is uniquely 10KNTS. The 10KNTS camera bags are all made from a durable water repellent canvas. Inspired by windmill sails, the bags are built to cope with what life throws at them. So all you have to worry about is getting the shot. The shoulder strap of a 10KNTS bag is unique. Made of seatbelt webbing, it is strong, reliable and designed to never let you down. And it looks and feels pretty good too. The zips are high quality. For obvious reasons. Maybe less obvious, is the unique zip puller. Crafted from knotted parachute rope, these high tech pullers add a special touch to the 10KNTS bag. The colours of the bags are classic, yet modern. Stylish, yet trendy. A reflection of the nature and craftsmanship we admire and respect. With a twist. From bright orange piping, to cream shoulder straps, and orange lining. A pleasure to own. Every 10KNTS bag features signature stitching. Derived from windmill sails, it is strong and stylish. A nod and a wink to the craftsmanship and tradition. 10KNTS bags are designed with fast, easy access in mind. Whether it is the front access camera compartment of the backpack, or the split front flap on the shoulder bag. Because we understand that sometimes, a split second can make all the difference. With space for your camera and accessories, plus all those other essential items that you may need, a 10KNTS bag is spacious. Besides the pull out camera compartment, the backpack also features space for a laptop and more. The shoulder bag features an ipad/tablet compartment.
Mailing Insert, Felt keyrings
The use of felt made from recycled material limits the use of new raw materials. When fundraising for charities, projecting eco-friendliness is important. Felt also has a high-quality and unique appearance that is not yet widely used in promotional items.
HBO Winter, Winterkit
Pure has produced a range of winter-related items for HBO. The package includes blocks of chocolate, slippers and a folding wooden sledge. That makes a change from the usual ice scraper and fleece hat!
Mitsubishi, Outlander PHEV Goodiebag
Dank der Einführung des Outlander PHEV, des ersten Hybrid-SUV auf dem Markt, verzeichnete Mitsubishi 2013 bei weitem die höchsten Verkaufszahlen seit Jahren. Pure stellte personalisierte Goodie-Bags für jeden neuen Fahrer dieses Hybrid-SUVs bereit. Auch die Logistik bis hin zur Verteilung an die Händler übernahm Pure. Der Inhalt der Tasche bestand unter anderem aus einem Notizbuch, einer Anleitung auf DVD und einer Dose Autodrop.
Notice expedition, Shrink-wrapped mail pack
How do you find sponsors for a North Pole expedition? Pure introduced a new production technique for packaging direct mail. The shawl was vacuum-packed in aluminium foil to ensure that the embroidery was visible on the outside. In addition to the many spontaneous reactions, when follow-up calls were made to the recipients, they all knew exactly what it was about.
Hasbro, New Furby launch
After the product’s huge success in the 1990s, Hasbro is really going all out this year with the launch of the new Furby. Pure developed and produced all of the POS materials that may be found in nearly all of the toy stores in the Netherlands.
My little pony, Permanent display
Deze permanente display van My Little Pony is te vinden in de grotere speelgoedwinkels in Nederland. Naast het ontwerp en de productie heeft Pure ook het opzetten en afvullen van de displays verzorgd. Zo is ons handlingshuis ook weer op de hoogte van het laatste meisjes speelgoed!
FC Barcelona, Personalised merchandise
For FC Barcelona, a merchandise website was created where you can make a unique cartoon of yourself alongside your FC Barcelona hero. This image can then be printed on an officially licensed FC Barcelona shirt. Each print is unique and is directly applied to the shirt using DTG (Direct-to-Garment) printing techniques. The whole project was delivered turnkey, including the shipment of individual orders to fans across Europe.
The idea was born when we were brainstorming about the next step in the personalization trend. Adding your name or a number to an item is becoming increasingly popular, but what could be more personal than an illustration of yourself with your greatest hero? Since we strongly believe in the trend of personalization, we further developed this idea and presented it to FC Barcelona.
The concept involves creating an illustrated selfie of yourself with your hero online, bringing you closer to them. How does it work? First, you choose your FC Barcelona hero, and then you create an avatar of yourself using an ingenious tool. The illustration of your avatar and your hero is then printed on a t-shirt. This way, every t-shirt is unique. You can choose from five top players: Lionel Messi, Neymar Jr, Andres Iniesta, Luis Suárez, and Gerard Piqué. All t-shirts come with the official FC Barcelona merchandise label.
Houthoff Buruma, Custom made iPad cover
Houthoff Buruma is a long-established Netherlands based law firm with more than 300 lawyers and financial specialists. For internal and external relations, Pure developed a custom made iPad cover. The printed smartpad cover is a simple but effective and surprising communication tool.
Netherlands Rheumatism Fund, Gift fund collectors
As thanks for their efforts, all Rheumatism Fund collectors will this year receive a vase. This vase only takes shape when it is filled with water. Being completely flat makes it an ideal item for mailing.
Bambus und Fundraising, Mini-Schneidebretter
Auf unserem Weg zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit und Erschwinglichkeit greifen wir immer häufiger auf Bambusprodukte zurück. Sie wirken hochwertig, sind leicht und langlebig. Diese Mini-Schneidebretter produzieren wir in sehr großen Mengen für einen Kunden für Rekrutierungsaktivitäten.
Bols, Genever bowl
BOLS genever is the best cocktail base. It requires an exclusive presentation in the catering industry. A glass punch bowl is the most attractive, but it’s also too dangerous. We developed a superior, injection-moulded plastic product that is almost indistinguishable from a glass one. You won’t just find this punch bowl in nightclubs throughout the world; you will also find it in the Bols Genever Experience on the Holland Boulevard at Schiphol Amsterdam Airport as well as in the collection of the House of Bols museum on Museum Square.
Yamaha, Merchandise for kids
Although you have to be 18 to ride a motorcycle, the brand preference for YAMAHA often starts at a younger age. Pure developed these merchandising products which are available via the showrooms of European motorcycle dealers.
ADCN, ADCN Yearbook
The ADCN Lamp of Art Directors Club Nederland is the most prestigious advertising- and design award in the Netherlands. Award winning work is included in an always much talked about yearbook with a limited edition. Pure had the honour to mark up for the production of yearbook 2012 of which every single version is unique.
Reuma Nederland, Teaspoons for collectors
This range of spoons has been developed to provide the coordinators of Reuma Nederland’s collection week with a present at each five-year anniversary of volunteering.
KRE-O, Multimedia Display
One of the biggest toy introductions last year: KRE-O. This multimedia (video, sound and light effects) display was developed to attract maximum attention on the shop floor.
Merchandise Fußballverein, SC Telstar
Eigenwilliger Fußballverein, der in der zweiten Profidivision der Niederlande spielt. Telstar hat eine treue regionale Fangemeinde, die dies gerne mit ebenso eigenwilliger Merchandise zum Ausdruck bringt.
Houthoff Buruma, Book, Magazine, Newsletter
Houthoff Buruma is a long-established Netherlands based law firm with more than 300 lawyers and financial specialists. since 2011 Pure is responsible for the internal and external print communications, from the design to finished product.
Golf Tee Pencil, Product Innovatie
You no longer have to look for your pen or pencil to note your score. Make the putt, write down your score and in no time you’re on your way to the next hole with this practical golf tee pencil. Combining two functions in one is always a good basis for product innovation.
Wilhelmus, Sound module T-shirts
It’s great to see our creations in stores! The Wilhelmus music shirt plays the first verse from the Wilhelmus (Dutch national anthem) when faithful fans place a hand over their heart. This project was realised in cooperation with Lotto. Buy the shirt on the Perry Sport website http://www.perrysport.nl/lotto-wilhelmus-muziek-shirt_903025.html.
Austrian Charity Fund, Paperclip Bear
We made this king-sized paperclip out of silicone for an Austrian charity. This paperclip provides an affordable and a curiosity-invoking bump in the envelope that increased the response and donation amount.
Nippon Express, Grundsortiment Geschenken
Grundsortiment an Geschenken für europäische Kunden. Baumwolltasche, Polo, Kappe, Heft, Stift, Minzbonbons und Powerbank.
Plus, Easter colouring tablecloth
A tablecloth that will keep kids busy for weeks – after all, it still has to be coloured in! This year, Easter brunch will be even more of a happening than ever, and this of course means a trip to the store to purchase all the necessary items. Free for all PLUS customers. Watch the commercial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpxxD_fA-r4
Bols, Cocktail Toolkit
Available at Gall & Gall, among other stores, the Bols Toolkit makes it easy to mix the tastiest cocktails. Pure developed both the packaging and the contents, and had them produced in Asia.
HBO, Welcome mailpack
In 2012 the American TV channel HBO is launched in the Netherlands. Pure took care of the production and handling of the introduction mailing for KPN customers. We produce marketing communication materials in its broadest sense. Even if you need popcorn you have come to the right place.
Legends, Packaging 2.0
American Express, Platinum Preview
American Express cannot present its Platinum card holders with a mediocre piece of printed matter. The Platinum Preview has been a product at Pure for which we always do our utmost to meet the highest quality standards.
Hills, Cat tunnel
A very compact promotional gift, but once home and set up, it’s a great eye-catcher. Many customers whose businesses are wholly unrelated to cats have asked us for a sample. We still have a few left…
Reumafonds, Educational materials
Education is one of the Reumafonds’ important tasks. Pure develops, produces, manages and sends out the Reumafonds’ informational materials. Orders from private individuals and institutions may be placed via a customised online ordering service.
Shuangxi cigarettes, Limited edition Schiphol
Schiphol is an important destination and transfer airport for the Chinese. Traditionally, they buy duty-free western brands as a status symbol. However, the taste of brands such as Marlboro is not really appreciated, which is the reason behind this promotion: the popular and familiar Chinese Shuangxi cigarettes in a specially printed “Limited Edition Gift Pack for European Market”.
Mailpack, Printed matter from the Far East
Pure provides high-volume print productions from the Far East. This writing set is part of a mailing. The set consists of many different items and is delivered as one complete mail pack, so that the costs per direct mailing are limited.
Canon Europe, EOS Dealerkit
With every new camera introduction, it is a challenge to truly embed the product in the minds of the dealer’s sales staff, and to provide suitable point-of-sale materials that stores will actually use. This is something we never get tired of doing.
Fox Sports, Premier League package
Making services tangible. That’s what Pure does. Order the FOX Sports Dutch Premier League package from bol.com and receive the official Derbystar Dutch Premier League 2013/2014 football including two months’ free FOX Sports Dutch Premier League. http://www.bol.com/nl/p/2-maanden-fox-sports-eredivisie-derbystar-eredivisie-2013-2014-replicabal/9200000021030650/
Mitsubishi Outlander, Outlander PHEV cable bag
As a standard accessory for the Outlander PHEV, Pure manufactured this storage bag for the car’s charging cable. Also included is a pair of matching gloves to keep your hands clean when plugging in or unplugging the cable.
Shoe Protection, Floor display and counter display in one
Shoe protection is a growing market. This product is mainly used by sneaker fans as well as by anyone who likes to keep using their shoes for a long time. This display was present in shops all over Europe. Pure took care of the display development and logistics. The display can be used as a floor display, but the upper part is also a ready-to-use counter display. It is up to the retailer to decide what fits best in his or her shop.
Animal Organisation, Ballpoint pen with ears
Pure has developed this two-colour ballpoint pen for an international animal organisation. The colour can be changed by pushing the ears down. The colour, printing and shape of the ears are custom made.
Bookmark, Magnetic bookmark
We supply this magnetic bookmark to clients throughout Europe. The print is fully customisable and has a so-called lenticular effect.
Calendar, Wire-O calendar
Printed matter from the Far East is attractive, as long as it concerns higher print runs and more complex productions. This wire-O desk calendar is a good example of this.
Dikkie Dik, Dikkie Dik headband
Dikkie Dik is a famous Dutch red tomcat from a series of children’s picture books. For the 40th anniversary, a theatre show was developed about Dikkie Dik. During this theatre tour, the Dikkie Dik headbands – developed by Pure – were sold, so that the children could identify even better with this beloved cat.
Cheese Market, Cheese cooler bag
Buy two kilos of cheese on the market and get this cheese cooler bag for free. Sometimes a special offer can be as simple and effective as this one.
Response booster, Pen with four colours
You will never believe how many of these pens we’ve had made and how cheap there were. So we’re not going to write that down here. But if you are also looking for a low-cost response booster for your mailings, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Palletdisplay, Pallet discount display
Just before Christmas this year, Hasbro will be running a spectacular Games promotion. It will stand out thanks to the use of fluorescent inks and its links to the children’s charity KIKA. Pure is handling the development, manufacture and distribution of POS material to almost every toy shop in the Netherlands.
Pottery, Custom-made cow mug
Custom-made pottery. We can use existing or custom moulds for you. You will then have a premium or merchandise item that exudes value and will be used by your target group for a long time to come.
Twitter, Chocolate hashtag
To recruit marketers for advertising on Twitter, they received this surprise variation of the traditional Sinterklaas chocolate letter in December. The burlap bag also fits this theme.
Card sets, Direct mail card sets
Who still sends cards nowadays? True, but you will be surprised at the effects to the response if you put a free card set in your direct mailing. We produce and trade this in the Far East.
Plush, Plush tiger
Plush is one of Pure’s specialties. We make custom-made characters based on a drawing. This tiger is a finger puppet that we made from a sketch. When reading to children, it is a very nice item that helps create an intense experience of the story. Feel free to ask for our plush portfolio or other ideas to stimulate the impulse purchase of a (children’s) book.
Bols, Bols Corenwijn tubular container
For the exclusive 10-year-old Bols Corenwijn, we developed a luxury tubular container with foil printing. It is a gift box, but the stone bottles are always packaged in it. Because even if it’s not a gift for someone else, it’s definitely a gift for yourself!
ASICS, ASICS event kits
We make all kinds of kits for various sponsor events for ASICS’s key customers. These kits are provided to participants of sponsor trips for a visit to, for example, the Olympic Games or other major international events.
Handicap NL, Door mouse
This is an original custom-made doorstop for Handicap NL. This doorstop is useful for everyone, but especially for someone who wants to go through a door with a wheelchair.
HBO, Trendy hat
It’s always fun to take advantage of street fashion. This hat for HBO was worn by promotion teams and was distributed to new subscribers.
HBO, Telephone cases
Nice item – particularly for a younger target group that changes covers several times a week and often exchange or borrow them within the peer group. The ideal word of mouth for HBO.
Hills, Hills paper bag Starter Kit
Luxury paper bags for the first trial purchase of food for your young dog or cat. We made these Starter Kit bags for the whole of Europe in large quantities.
MT, MT Metal key ring
This key ring is fully custom-made with the customer’s logo as a starting point. This technique can already be used for a print run of a few thousand pieces.
Canon Europe, PIXMA dealer kit
This dealer kit motivates the shop staff to use the provided point of sale material and to study the product information in order to be able to give good advice to the customer.
Canon Europe, PIXMA goodies
Material to create brand awareness amongst salespeople on the shop floor. These are items that are useful in every-day use at work.
Tiendas Soriana, Thursday is Beer Day kit
These beer buckets were made to promote “Thursday is Beer Day” in a Mexican supermarket chain. It is a complete cooling bucket with glasses, bar towel, ashtray, coasters and bottle opener. Both the idea and the artwork were developed by Pure. These beer kits were sold in a special offer on pallets in mega stores.
Canon Europe, DVD sleeve/ Mini Display
This instruction DVD is contained in a sleeve that is also a shelf display. The mini display is automatically set up as soon as the DVD is pulled out of its case. Pure has developed these specially. Uniquely, this relatively complex item can be produced fully mechanically.
Bei Merchandise liegt die Messlatte hoch, denn es ist das Herzstück Ihrer Marke, das auf den Kern Ihrer Zielgruppe ausgerichtet ist.
Nachhaltigste Wahl, Karton-Kugelschreiber
Papier ist eines der am einfachsten zu recycelnden Materialien und hat eine begrenzte Auswirkung auf die Umwelt, wenn es in den Abfallstrom gelangt. Daher sind Karton-Kugelschreiber eine verantwortungsbewusste und nachhaltige Wahl.
HBO, Game of Thrones Tasse
Diese Tasse mit rotierendem Logo, die speziell für die TV-Serie Game of Thrones in Zusammenarbeit mit HBO entworfen wurde, ist ein Premium-Werbeartikel. Game of Thrones hat eine engagierte Fangemeinde, die ihre Liebe zur Serie gerne zeigt. Eindrucksvolle Merchandise bietet eine großartige Gelegenheit, diese Fans noch stärker an die Marke zu binden.
Rubix, 4-in-1 LED Nachtlicht
Dieses 4-in-1 LED-Nachtlicht ist vielseitig einsetzbar, von der Heimarbeit bis zum Kinderzimmer, vom Hotelzimmer bis zum Campingplatz. Es verfügt über einen Bewegungssensor, ein subtil seitlich strahlendes LED-Nachtlicht, USB-Anschlüsse und eine Standardsteckdose. Ein Werbeartikel, der von jedem geschätzt werden kann.
Maßgeschneiderte Socken, Socken, keine Krawatten!
Die Krawatte verliert in vielen Märkten an Bedeutung und ist daher in nicht allen europäischen Märkten mehr einsetzbar. Die maßgeschneiderte Socke gewinnt schnell an Boden. Das Artwork kann vollständig individuell gestaltet werden, was es zu einem wirklich kreativen Produkt macht. Auch die Verpackung trägt zum Geschenkgefühl bei.
MAN trucks, Maßgeschneiderte Firmenbekleidung
Über unser internationales Netzwerk können wir maßgeschneiderte Firmenbekleidung in relativ kleinen Stückzahlen entwickeln. Die Verwendung von eigener Kleidung in eigenen Farben und Details bietet eine größere Markenbekanntheit und fügt der Werbeartikel echte Wertschöpfung hinzu. Mit guter Planung sind die Kosten vergleichbar mit Standardmaterialien aus Lagerbeständen.
Elsom Seeds, Bekleidungslinie
Elsoms ist der führende unabhängige Saatgutspezialist und Pflanzenzüchter im Vereinigten Königreich. Wir haben eine Bekleidungslinie mit Poloshirts, T-Shirts, Hemden, Softshell-Westen, Beanies und Schals entwickelt. Wir haben auch den Bestellprozess organisiert, um den Betrieb unseres Kunden zu entlasten.
Kugelschreiber mit impact, Charakter-Kugelschreiber
Ein vollständig maßgeschneiderter Kugelschreiber. Dieser Kugelschreiber in Form eines Kochs bietet im Vergleich zu einem herkömmlichen Kugelschreiber zusätzliche Sichtbarkeit. Wie würde der Kugelschreiber aussehen, wenn wir einen für Ihre Organisation herstellen würden?
Sustainable writing, Cork pens
If you want to produce pens in very large quantities and suitable as a mailing insert, the product’s cost price and the light weight to limit postage costs are crucial. Cork turned out to be a suitable choice. Cork pens are more sustainable than plastic pens, and the plastic parts of these pens are made from wheat straw.
Insert für Mailings, Korkuntersetzer
Kork ist sogar leichter als Bambus und daher sehr gut für nachhaltige Werbeartikel geeignet. Für diesen Kunden ist das leichte Material interessant, da es als Beilage für Mailings verwendet wird. Das macht es nicht nur nachhaltig, sondern spart auch Portokosten.
Bleistift, Langfristige Werbeartikel
Ein Bleistift ist eine gute Alternative zu einem Kugelschreiber und bleibt oft länger bei den Menschen als die meisten Stifte. Ein sehr kostengünstiger Werbeartikel, der auch eine langfristige Sichtbarkeit bietet. Ist das nicht nachhaltig?
M & M, Peanut Ball
Who hasn’t heard of this M&M peanut ball? On paper it looks like an impossible product. In the shop, it is a promotional gift that stimulates sales like no other and on TV it’s an advertising property that lasts.
10KNTS, Custom made camera bags
For 10KNTS we developed a range of camera bags with the needs of today’s photographer in mind. Made of sturdy, water repellent canvas, the bag combines the traditions of old with the technique and functionality of today. No gimmicks, no compromises. Find out more about the bags at www.10knts.com. A 10KNTS bag stands out from the camera bag crowd. With its rectangular and diamond trademark design, every bag is uniquely 10KNTS. The 10KNTS camera bags are all made from a durable water repellent canvas. Inspired by windmill sails, the bags are built to cope with what life throws at them. So all you have to worry about is getting the shot. The shoulder strap of a 10KNTS bag is unique. Made of seatbelt webbing, it is strong, reliable and designed to never let you down. And it looks and feels pretty good too. The zips are high quality. For obvious reasons. Maybe less obvious, is the unique zip puller. Crafted from knotted parachute rope, these high tech pullers add a special touch to the 10KNTS bag. The colours of the bags are classic, yet modern. Stylish, yet trendy. A reflection of the nature and craftsmanship we admire and respect. With a twist. From bright orange piping, to cream shoulder straps, and orange lining. A pleasure to own. Every 10KNTS bag features signature stitching. Derived from windmill sails, it is strong and stylish. A nod and a wink to the craftsmanship and tradition. 10KNTS bags are designed with fast, easy access in mind. Whether it is the front access camera compartment of the backpack, or the split front flap on the shoulder bag. Because we understand that sometimes, a split second can make all the difference. With space for your camera and accessories, plus all those other essential items that you may need, a 10KNTS bag is spacious. Besides the pull out camera compartment, the backpack also features space for a laptop and more. The shoulder bag features an ipad/tablet compartment.
Mailing Insert, Felt keyrings
The use of felt made from recycled material limits the use of new raw materials. When fundraising for charities, projecting eco-friendliness is important. Felt also has a high-quality and unique appearance that is not yet widely used in promotional items.
HBO Winter, Winterkit
Pure has produced a range of winter-related items for HBO. The package includes blocks of chocolate, slippers and a folding wooden sledge. That makes a change from the usual ice scraper and fleece hat!
Mitsubishi, Outlander PHEV Goodiebag
Dank der Einführung des Outlander PHEV, des ersten Hybrid-SUV auf dem Markt, verzeichnete Mitsubishi 2013 bei weitem die höchsten Verkaufszahlen seit Jahren. Pure stellte personalisierte Goodie-Bags für jeden neuen Fahrer dieses Hybrid-SUVs bereit. Auch die Logistik bis hin zur Verteilung an die Händler übernahm Pure. Der Inhalt der Tasche bestand unter anderem aus einem Notizbuch, einer Anleitung auf DVD und einer Dose Autodrop.
Notice expedition, Shrink-wrapped mail pack
How do you find sponsors for a North Pole expedition? Pure introduced a new production technique for packaging direct mail. The shawl was vacuum-packed in aluminium foil to ensure that the embroidery was visible on the outside. In addition to the many spontaneous reactions, when follow-up calls were made to the recipients, they all knew exactly what it was about.
Hasbro, New Furby launch
After the product’s huge success in the 1990s, Hasbro is really going all out this year with the launch of the new Furby. Pure developed and produced all of the POS materials that may be found in nearly all of the toy stores in the Netherlands.
My little pony, Permanent display
Deze permanente display van My Little Pony is te vinden in de grotere speelgoedwinkels in Nederland. Naast het ontwerp en de productie heeft Pure ook het opzetten en afvullen van de displays verzorgd. Zo is ons handlingshuis ook weer op de hoogte van het laatste meisjes speelgoed!
FC Barcelona, Personalised merchandise
For FC Barcelona, a merchandise website was created where you can make a unique cartoon of yourself alongside your FC Barcelona hero. This image can then be printed on an officially licensed FC Barcelona shirt. Each print is unique and is directly applied to the shirt using DTG (Direct-to-Garment) printing techniques. The whole project was delivered turnkey, including the shipment of individual orders to fans across Europe.
The idea was born when we were brainstorming about the next step in the personalization trend. Adding your name or a number to an item is becoming increasingly popular, but what could be more personal than an illustration of yourself with your greatest hero? Since we strongly believe in the trend of personalization, we further developed this idea and presented it to FC Barcelona.
The concept involves creating an illustrated selfie of yourself with your hero online, bringing you closer to them. How does it work? First, you choose your FC Barcelona hero, and then you create an avatar of yourself using an ingenious tool. The illustration of your avatar and your hero is then printed on a t-shirt. This way, every t-shirt is unique. You can choose from five top players: Lionel Messi, Neymar Jr, Andres Iniesta, Luis Suárez, and Gerard Piqué. All t-shirts come with the official FC Barcelona merchandise label.
Houthoff Buruma, Custom made iPad cover
Houthoff Buruma is a long-established Netherlands based law firm with more than 300 lawyers and financial specialists. For internal and external relations, Pure developed a custom made iPad cover. The printed smartpad cover is a simple but effective and surprising communication tool.
Netherlands Rheumatism Fund, Gift fund collectors
As thanks for their efforts, all Rheumatism Fund collectors will this year receive a vase. This vase only takes shape when it is filled with water. Being completely flat makes it an ideal item for mailing.
Bambus und Fundraising, Mini-Schneidebretter
Auf unserem Weg zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit und Erschwinglichkeit greifen wir immer häufiger auf Bambusprodukte zurück. Sie wirken hochwertig, sind leicht und langlebig. Diese Mini-Schneidebretter produzieren wir in sehr großen Mengen für einen Kunden für Rekrutierungsaktivitäten.
Bols, Genever bowl
BOLS genever is the best cocktail base. It requires an exclusive presentation in the catering industry. A glass punch bowl is the most attractive, but it’s also too dangerous. We developed a superior, injection-moulded plastic product that is almost indistinguishable from a glass one. You won’t just find this punch bowl in nightclubs throughout the world; you will also find it in the Bols Genever Experience on the Holland Boulevard at Schiphol Amsterdam Airport as well as in the collection of the House of Bols museum on Museum Square.
Yamaha, Merchandise for kids
Although you have to be 18 to ride a motorcycle, the brand preference for YAMAHA often starts at a younger age. Pure developed these merchandising products which are available via the showrooms of European motorcycle dealers.
ADCN, ADCN Yearbook
The ADCN Lamp of Art Directors Club Nederland is the most prestigious advertising- and design award in the Netherlands. Award winning work is included in an always much talked about yearbook with a limited edition. Pure had the honour to mark up for the production of yearbook 2012 of which every single version is unique.
Reuma Nederland, Teaspoons for collectors
This range of spoons has been developed to provide the coordinators of Reuma Nederland’s collection week with a present at each five-year anniversary of volunteering.
KRE-O, Multimedia Display
One of the biggest toy introductions last year: KRE-O. This multimedia (video, sound and light effects) display was developed to attract maximum attention on the shop floor.
Merchandise Fußballverein, SC Telstar
Eigenwilliger Fußballverein, der in der zweiten Profidivision der Niederlande spielt. Telstar hat eine treue regionale Fangemeinde, die dies gerne mit ebenso eigenwilliger Merchandise zum Ausdruck bringt.
Houthoff Buruma, Book, Magazine, Newsletter
Houthoff Buruma is a long-established Netherlands based law firm with more than 300 lawyers and financial specialists. since 2011 Pure is responsible for the internal and external print communications, from the design to finished product.
Golf Tee Pencil, Product Innovatie
You no longer have to look for your pen or pencil to note your score. Make the putt, write down your score and in no time you’re on your way to the next hole with this practical golf tee pencil. Combining two functions in one is always a good basis for product innovation.
Wilhelmus, Sound module T-shirts
It’s great to see our creations in stores! The Wilhelmus music shirt plays the first verse from the Wilhelmus (Dutch national anthem) when faithful fans place a hand over their heart. This project was realised in cooperation with Lotto. Buy the shirt on the Perry Sport website http://www.perrysport.nl/lotto-wilhelmus-muziek-shirt_903025.html.
Austrian Charity Fund, Paperclip Bear
We made this king-sized paperclip out of silicone for an Austrian charity. This paperclip provides an affordable and a curiosity-invoking bump in the envelope that increased the response and donation amount.
Nippon Express, Grundsortiment Geschenken
Grundsortiment an Geschenken für europäische Kunden. Baumwolltasche, Polo, Kappe, Heft, Stift, Minzbonbons und Powerbank.
Plus, Easter colouring tablecloth
A tablecloth that will keep kids busy for weeks – after all, it still has to be coloured in! This year, Easter brunch will be even more of a happening than ever, and this of course means a trip to the store to purchase all the necessary items. Free for all PLUS customers. Watch the commercial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpxxD_fA-r4
Bols, Cocktail Toolkit
Available at Gall & Gall, among other stores, the Bols Toolkit makes it easy to mix the tastiest cocktails. Pure developed both the packaging and the contents, and had them produced in Asia.
HBO, Welcome mailpack
In 2012 the American TV channel HBO is launched in the Netherlands. Pure took care of the production and handling of the introduction mailing for KPN customers. We produce marketing communication materials in its broadest sense. Even if you need popcorn you have come to the right place.
Legends, Packaging 2.0
American Express, Platinum Preview
American Express cannot present its Platinum card holders with a mediocre piece of printed matter. The Platinum Preview has been a product at Pure for which we always do our utmost to meet the highest quality standards.
Hills, Cat tunnel
A very compact promotional gift, but once home and set up, it’s a great eye-catcher. Many customers whose businesses are wholly unrelated to cats have asked us for a sample. We still have a few left…
Reumafonds, Educational materials
Education is one of the Reumafonds’ important tasks. Pure develops, produces, manages and sends out the Reumafonds’ informational materials. Orders from private individuals and institutions may be placed via a customised online ordering service.
Shuangxi cigarettes, Limited edition Schiphol
Schiphol is an important destination and transfer airport for the Chinese. Traditionally, they buy duty-free western brands as a status symbol. However, the taste of brands such as Marlboro is not really appreciated, which is the reason behind this promotion: the popular and familiar Chinese Shuangxi cigarettes in a specially printed “Limited Edition Gift Pack for European Market”.
Mailpack, Printed matter from the Far East
Pure provides high-volume print productions from the Far East. This writing set is part of a mailing. The set consists of many different items and is delivered as one complete mail pack, so that the costs per direct mailing are limited.
Canon Europe, EOS Dealerkit
With every new camera introduction, it is a challenge to truly embed the product in the minds of the dealer’s sales staff, and to provide suitable point-of-sale materials that stores will actually use. This is something we never get tired of doing.
Fox Sports, Premier League package
Making services tangible. That’s what Pure does. Order the FOX Sports Dutch Premier League package from bol.com and receive the official Derbystar Dutch Premier League 2013/2014 football including two months’ free FOX Sports Dutch Premier League. http://www.bol.com/nl/p/2-maanden-fox-sports-eredivisie-derbystar-eredivisie-2013-2014-replicabal/9200000021030650/
Mitsubishi Outlander, Outlander PHEV cable bag
As a standard accessory for the Outlander PHEV, Pure manufactured this storage bag for the car’s charging cable. Also included is a pair of matching gloves to keep your hands clean when plugging in or unplugging the cable.
Shoe Protection, Floor display and counter display in one
Shoe protection is a growing market. This product is mainly used by sneaker fans as well as by anyone who likes to keep using their shoes for a long time. This display was present in shops all over Europe. Pure took care of the display development and logistics. The display can be used as a floor display, but the upper part is also a ready-to-use counter display. It is up to the retailer to decide what fits best in his or her shop.
Animal Organisation, Ballpoint pen with ears
Pure has developed this two-colour ballpoint pen for an international animal organisation. The colour can be changed by pushing the ears down. The colour, printing and shape of the ears are custom made.
Bookmark, Magnetic bookmark
We supply this magnetic bookmark to clients throughout Europe. The print is fully customisable and has a so-called lenticular effect.
Calendar, Wire-O calendar
Printed matter from the Far East is attractive, as long as it concerns higher print runs and more complex productions. This wire-O desk calendar is a good example of this.
Dikkie Dik, Dikkie Dik headband
Dikkie Dik is a famous Dutch red tomcat from a series of children’s picture books. For the 40th anniversary, a theatre show was developed about Dikkie Dik. During this theatre tour, the Dikkie Dik headbands – developed by Pure – were sold, so that the children could identify even better with this beloved cat.
Cheese Market, Cheese cooler bag
Buy two kilos of cheese on the market and get this cheese cooler bag for free. Sometimes a special offer can be as simple and effective as this one.
Response booster, Pen with four colours
You will never believe how many of these pens we’ve had made and how cheap there were. So we’re not going to write that down here. But if you are also looking for a low-cost response booster for your mailings, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Palletdisplay, Pallet discount display
Just before Christmas this year, Hasbro will be running a spectacular Games promotion. It will stand out thanks to the use of fluorescent inks and its links to the children’s charity KIKA. Pure is handling the development, manufacture and distribution of POS material to almost every toy shop in the Netherlands.
Pottery, Custom-made cow mug
Custom-made pottery. We can use existing or custom moulds for you. You will then have a premium or merchandise item that exudes value and will be used by your target group for a long time to come.
Twitter, Chocolate hashtag
To recruit marketers for advertising on Twitter, they received this surprise variation of the traditional Sinterklaas chocolate letter in December. The burlap bag also fits this theme.
Card sets, Direct mail card sets
Who still sends cards nowadays? True, but you will be surprised at the effects to the response if you put a free card set in your direct mailing. We produce and trade this in the Far East.
Plush, Plush tiger
Plush is one of Pure’s specialties. We make custom-made characters based on a drawing. This tiger is a finger puppet that we made from a sketch. When reading to children, it is a very nice item that helps create an intense experience of the story. Feel free to ask for our plush portfolio or other ideas to stimulate the impulse purchase of a (children’s) book.
Bols, Bols Corenwijn tubular container
For the exclusive 10-year-old Bols Corenwijn, we developed a luxury tubular container with foil printing. It is a gift box, but the stone bottles are always packaged in it. Because even if it’s not a gift for someone else, it’s definitely a gift for yourself!
ASICS, ASICS event kits
We make all kinds of kits for various sponsor events for ASICS’s key customers. These kits are provided to participants of sponsor trips for a visit to, for example, the Olympic Games or other major international events.
Handicap NL, Door mouse
This is an original custom-made doorstop for Handicap NL. This doorstop is useful for everyone, but especially for someone who wants to go through a door with a wheelchair.
HBO, Trendy hat
It’s always fun to take advantage of street fashion. This hat for HBO was worn by promotion teams and was distributed to new subscribers.
HBO, Telephone cases
Nice item – particularly for a younger target group that changes covers several times a week and often exchange or borrow them within the peer group. The ideal word of mouth for HBO.
Hills, Hills paper bag Starter Kit
Luxury paper bags for the first trial purchase of food for your young dog or cat. We made these Starter Kit bags for the whole of Europe in large quantities.
MT, MT Metal key ring
This key ring is fully custom-made with the customer’s logo as a starting point. This technique can already be used for a print run of a few thousand pieces.
Canon Europe, PIXMA dealer kit
This dealer kit motivates the shop staff to use the provided point of sale material and to study the product information in order to be able to give good advice to the customer.
Canon Europe, PIXMA goodies
Material to create brand awareness amongst salespeople on the shop floor. These are items that are useful in every-day use at work.
Tiendas Soriana, Thursday is Beer Day kit
These beer buckets were made to promote “Thursday is Beer Day” in a Mexican supermarket chain. It is a complete cooling bucket with glasses, bar towel, ashtray, coasters and bottle opener. Both the idea and the artwork were developed by Pure. These beer kits were sold in a special offer on pallets in mega stores.
Canon Europe, DVD sleeve/ Mini Display
This instruction DVD is contained in a sleeve that is also a shelf display. The mini display is automatically set up as soon as the DVD is pulled out of its case. Pure has developed these specially. Uniquely, this relatively complex item can be produced fully mechanically.
Grafische Produktion in wirklich all ihren Formen; die Produktion erfolgt entweder vor Ort oder in Übersee.
Nachhaltigste Wahl, Karton-Kugelschreiber
Papier ist eines der am einfachsten zu recycelnden Materialien und hat eine begrenzte Auswirkung auf die Umwelt, wenn es in den Abfallstrom gelangt. Daher sind Karton-Kugelschreiber eine verantwortungsbewusste und nachhaltige Wahl.
HBO, Game of Thrones Tasse
Diese Tasse mit rotierendem Logo, die speziell für die TV-Serie Game of Thrones in Zusammenarbeit mit HBO entworfen wurde, ist ein Premium-Werbeartikel. Game of Thrones hat eine engagierte Fangemeinde, die ihre Liebe zur Serie gerne zeigt. Eindrucksvolle Merchandise bietet eine großartige Gelegenheit, diese Fans noch stärker an die Marke zu binden.
Rubix, 4-in-1 LED Nachtlicht
Dieses 4-in-1 LED-Nachtlicht ist vielseitig einsetzbar, von der Heimarbeit bis zum Kinderzimmer, vom Hotelzimmer bis zum Campingplatz. Es verfügt über einen Bewegungssensor, ein subtil seitlich strahlendes LED-Nachtlicht, USB-Anschlüsse und eine Standardsteckdose. Ein Werbeartikel, der von jedem geschätzt werden kann.
Maßgeschneiderte Socken, Socken, keine Krawatten!
Die Krawatte verliert in vielen Märkten an Bedeutung und ist daher in nicht allen europäischen Märkten mehr einsetzbar. Die maßgeschneiderte Socke gewinnt schnell an Boden. Das Artwork kann vollständig individuell gestaltet werden, was es zu einem wirklich kreativen Produkt macht. Auch die Verpackung trägt zum Geschenkgefühl bei.
MAN trucks, Maßgeschneiderte Firmenbekleidung
Über unser internationales Netzwerk können wir maßgeschneiderte Firmenbekleidung in relativ kleinen Stückzahlen entwickeln. Die Verwendung von eigener Kleidung in eigenen Farben und Details bietet eine größere Markenbekanntheit und fügt der Werbeartikel echte Wertschöpfung hinzu. Mit guter Planung sind die Kosten vergleichbar mit Standardmaterialien aus Lagerbeständen.
Elsom Seeds, Bekleidungslinie
Elsoms ist der führende unabhängige Saatgutspezialist und Pflanzenzüchter im Vereinigten Königreich. Wir haben eine Bekleidungslinie mit Poloshirts, T-Shirts, Hemden, Softshell-Westen, Beanies und Schals entwickelt. Wir haben auch den Bestellprozess organisiert, um den Betrieb unseres Kunden zu entlasten.
Kugelschreiber mit impact, Charakter-Kugelschreiber
Ein vollständig maßgeschneiderter Kugelschreiber. Dieser Kugelschreiber in Form eines Kochs bietet im Vergleich zu einem herkömmlichen Kugelschreiber zusätzliche Sichtbarkeit. Wie würde der Kugelschreiber aussehen, wenn wir einen für Ihre Organisation herstellen würden?
Sustainable writing, Cork pens
If you want to produce pens in very large quantities and suitable as a mailing insert, the product’s cost price and the light weight to limit postage costs are crucial. Cork turned out to be a suitable choice. Cork pens are more sustainable than plastic pens, and the plastic parts of these pens are made from wheat straw.
Insert für Mailings, Korkuntersetzer
Kork ist sogar leichter als Bambus und daher sehr gut für nachhaltige Werbeartikel geeignet. Für diesen Kunden ist das leichte Material interessant, da es als Beilage für Mailings verwendet wird. Das macht es nicht nur nachhaltig, sondern spart auch Portokosten.
Bleistift, Langfristige Werbeartikel
Ein Bleistift ist eine gute Alternative zu einem Kugelschreiber und bleibt oft länger bei den Menschen als die meisten Stifte. Ein sehr kostengünstiger Werbeartikel, der auch eine langfristige Sichtbarkeit bietet. Ist das nicht nachhaltig?
M & M, Peanut Ball
Who hasn’t heard of this M&M peanut ball? On paper it looks like an impossible product. In the shop, it is a promotional gift that stimulates sales like no other and on TV it’s an advertising property that lasts.
10KNTS, Custom made camera bags
For 10KNTS we developed a range of camera bags with the needs of today’s photographer in mind. Made of sturdy, water repellent canvas, the bag combines the traditions of old with the technique and functionality of today. No gimmicks, no compromises. Find out more about the bags at www.10knts.com. A 10KNTS bag stands out from the camera bag crowd. With its rectangular and diamond trademark design, every bag is uniquely 10KNTS. The 10KNTS camera bags are all made from a durable water repellent canvas. Inspired by windmill sails, the bags are built to cope with what life throws at them. So all you have to worry about is getting the shot. The shoulder strap of a 10KNTS bag is unique. Made of seatbelt webbing, it is strong, reliable and designed to never let you down. And it looks and feels pretty good too. The zips are high quality. For obvious reasons. Maybe less obvious, is the unique zip puller. Crafted from knotted parachute rope, these high tech pullers add a special touch to the 10KNTS bag. The colours of the bags are classic, yet modern. Stylish, yet trendy. A reflection of the nature and craftsmanship we admire and respect. With a twist. From bright orange piping, to cream shoulder straps, and orange lining. A pleasure to own. Every 10KNTS bag features signature stitching. Derived from windmill sails, it is strong and stylish. A nod and a wink to the craftsmanship and tradition. 10KNTS bags are designed with fast, easy access in mind. Whether it is the front access camera compartment of the backpack, or the split front flap on the shoulder bag. Because we understand that sometimes, a split second can make all the difference. With space for your camera and accessories, plus all those other essential items that you may need, a 10KNTS bag is spacious. Besides the pull out camera compartment, the backpack also features space for a laptop and more. The shoulder bag features an ipad/tablet compartment.
Mailing Insert, Felt keyrings
The use of felt made from recycled material limits the use of new raw materials. When fundraising for charities, projecting eco-friendliness is important. Felt also has a high-quality and unique appearance that is not yet widely used in promotional items.
HBO Winter, Winterkit
Pure has produced a range of winter-related items for HBO. The package includes blocks of chocolate, slippers and a folding wooden sledge. That makes a change from the usual ice scraper and fleece hat!
Mitsubishi, Outlander PHEV Goodiebag
Dank der Einführung des Outlander PHEV, des ersten Hybrid-SUV auf dem Markt, verzeichnete Mitsubishi 2013 bei weitem die höchsten Verkaufszahlen seit Jahren. Pure stellte personalisierte Goodie-Bags für jeden neuen Fahrer dieses Hybrid-SUVs bereit. Auch die Logistik bis hin zur Verteilung an die Händler übernahm Pure. Der Inhalt der Tasche bestand unter anderem aus einem Notizbuch, einer Anleitung auf DVD und einer Dose Autodrop.
Notice expedition, Shrink-wrapped mail pack
How do you find sponsors for a North Pole expedition? Pure introduced a new production technique for packaging direct mail. The shawl was vacuum-packed in aluminium foil to ensure that the embroidery was visible on the outside. In addition to the many spontaneous reactions, when follow-up calls were made to the recipients, they all knew exactly what it was about.
Hasbro, New Furby launch
After the product’s huge success in the 1990s, Hasbro is really going all out this year with the launch of the new Furby. Pure developed and produced all of the POS materials that may be found in nearly all of the toy stores in the Netherlands.
My little pony, Permanent display
Deze permanente display van My Little Pony is te vinden in de grotere speelgoedwinkels in Nederland. Naast het ontwerp en de productie heeft Pure ook het opzetten en afvullen van de displays verzorgd. Zo is ons handlingshuis ook weer op de hoogte van het laatste meisjes speelgoed!
FC Barcelona, Personalised merchandise
For FC Barcelona, a merchandise website was created where you can make a unique cartoon of yourself alongside your FC Barcelona hero. This image can then be printed on an officially licensed FC Barcelona shirt. Each print is unique and is directly applied to the shirt using DTG (Direct-to-Garment) printing techniques. The whole project was delivered turnkey, including the shipment of individual orders to fans across Europe.
The idea was born when we were brainstorming about the next step in the personalization trend. Adding your name or a number to an item is becoming increasingly popular, but what could be more personal than an illustration of yourself with your greatest hero? Since we strongly believe in the trend of personalization, we further developed this idea and presented it to FC Barcelona.
The concept involves creating an illustrated selfie of yourself with your hero online, bringing you closer to them. How does it work? First, you choose your FC Barcelona hero, and then you create an avatar of yourself using an ingenious tool. The illustration of your avatar and your hero is then printed on a t-shirt. This way, every t-shirt is unique. You can choose from five top players: Lionel Messi, Neymar Jr, Andres Iniesta, Luis Suárez, and Gerard Piqué. All t-shirts come with the official FC Barcelona merchandise label.
Houthoff Buruma, Custom made iPad cover
Houthoff Buruma is a long-established Netherlands based law firm with more than 300 lawyers and financial specialists. For internal and external relations, Pure developed a custom made iPad cover. The printed smartpad cover is a simple but effective and surprising communication tool.
Netherlands Rheumatism Fund, Gift fund collectors
As thanks for their efforts, all Rheumatism Fund collectors will this year receive a vase. This vase only takes shape when it is filled with water. Being completely flat makes it an ideal item for mailing.
Bambus und Fundraising, Mini-Schneidebretter
Auf unserem Weg zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit und Erschwinglichkeit greifen wir immer häufiger auf Bambusprodukte zurück. Sie wirken hochwertig, sind leicht und langlebig. Diese Mini-Schneidebretter produzieren wir in sehr großen Mengen für einen Kunden für Rekrutierungsaktivitäten.
Bols, Genever bowl
BOLS genever is the best cocktail base. It requires an exclusive presentation in the catering industry. A glass punch bowl is the most attractive, but it’s also too dangerous. We developed a superior, injection-moulded plastic product that is almost indistinguishable from a glass one. You won’t just find this punch bowl in nightclubs throughout the world; you will also find it in the Bols Genever Experience on the Holland Boulevard at Schiphol Amsterdam Airport as well as in the collection of the House of Bols museum on Museum Square.
Yamaha, Merchandise for kids
Although you have to be 18 to ride a motorcycle, the brand preference for YAMAHA often starts at a younger age. Pure developed these merchandising products which are available via the showrooms of European motorcycle dealers.
ADCN, ADCN Yearbook
The ADCN Lamp of Art Directors Club Nederland is the most prestigious advertising- and design award in the Netherlands. Award winning work is included in an always much talked about yearbook with a limited edition. Pure had the honour to mark up for the production of yearbook 2012 of which every single version is unique.
Reuma Nederland, Teaspoons for collectors
This range of spoons has been developed to provide the coordinators of Reuma Nederland’s collection week with a present at each five-year anniversary of volunteering.
KRE-O, Multimedia Display
One of the biggest toy introductions last year: KRE-O. This multimedia (video, sound and light effects) display was developed to attract maximum attention on the shop floor.
Merchandise Fußballverein, SC Telstar
Eigenwilliger Fußballverein, der in der zweiten Profidivision der Niederlande spielt. Telstar hat eine treue regionale Fangemeinde, die dies gerne mit ebenso eigenwilliger Merchandise zum Ausdruck bringt.
Houthoff Buruma, Book, Magazine, Newsletter
Houthoff Buruma is a long-established Netherlands based law firm with more than 300 lawyers and financial specialists. since 2011 Pure is responsible for the internal and external print communications, from the design to finished product.
Golf Tee Pencil, Product Innovatie
You no longer have to look for your pen or pencil to note your score. Make the putt, write down your score and in no time you’re on your way to the next hole with this practical golf tee pencil. Combining two functions in one is always a good basis for product innovation.
Wilhelmus, Sound module T-shirts
It’s great to see our creations in stores! The Wilhelmus music shirt plays the first verse from the Wilhelmus (Dutch national anthem) when faithful fans place a hand over their heart. This project was realised in cooperation with Lotto. Buy the shirt on the Perry Sport website http://www.perrysport.nl/lotto-wilhelmus-muziek-shirt_903025.html.
Austrian Charity Fund, Paperclip Bear
We made this king-sized paperclip out of silicone for an Austrian charity. This paperclip provides an affordable and a curiosity-invoking bump in the envelope that increased the response and donation amount.
Nippon Express, Grundsortiment Geschenken
Grundsortiment an Geschenken für europäische Kunden. Baumwolltasche, Polo, Kappe, Heft, Stift, Minzbonbons und Powerbank.
Plus, Easter colouring tablecloth
A tablecloth that will keep kids busy for weeks – after all, it still has to be coloured in! This year, Easter brunch will be even more of a happening than ever, and this of course means a trip to the store to purchase all the necessary items. Free for all PLUS customers. Watch the commercial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpxxD_fA-r4
Bols, Cocktail Toolkit
Available at Gall & Gall, among other stores, the Bols Toolkit makes it easy to mix the tastiest cocktails. Pure developed both the packaging and the contents, and had them produced in Asia.
HBO, Welcome mailpack
In 2012 the American TV channel HBO is launched in the Netherlands. Pure took care of the production and handling of the introduction mailing for KPN customers. We produce marketing communication materials in its broadest sense. Even if you need popcorn you have come to the right place.
Legends, Packaging 2.0
American Express, Platinum Preview
American Express cannot present its Platinum card holders with a mediocre piece of printed matter. The Platinum Preview has been a product at Pure for which we always do our utmost to meet the highest quality standards.
Hills, Cat tunnel
A very compact promotional gift, but once home and set up, it’s a great eye-catcher. Many customers whose businesses are wholly unrelated to cats have asked us for a sample. We still have a few left…
Reumafonds, Educational materials
Education is one of the Reumafonds’ important tasks. Pure develops, produces, manages and sends out the Reumafonds’ informational materials. Orders from private individuals and institutions may be placed via a customised online ordering service.
Shuangxi cigarettes, Limited edition Schiphol
Schiphol is an important destination and transfer airport for the Chinese. Traditionally, they buy duty-free western brands as a status symbol. However, the taste of brands such as Marlboro is not really appreciated, which is the reason behind this promotion: the popular and familiar Chinese Shuangxi cigarettes in a specially printed “Limited Edition Gift Pack for European Market”.
Mailpack, Printed matter from the Far East
Pure provides high-volume print productions from the Far East. This writing set is part of a mailing. The set consists of many different items and is delivered as one complete mail pack, so that the costs per direct mailing are limited.
Canon Europe, EOS Dealerkit
With every new camera introduction, it is a challenge to truly embed the product in the minds of the dealer’s sales staff, and to provide suitable point-of-sale materials that stores will actually use. This is something we never get tired of doing.
Fox Sports, Premier League package
Making services tangible. That’s what Pure does. Order the FOX Sports Dutch Premier League package from bol.com and receive the official Derbystar Dutch Premier League 2013/2014 football including two months’ free FOX Sports Dutch Premier League. http://www.bol.com/nl/p/2-maanden-fox-sports-eredivisie-derbystar-eredivisie-2013-2014-replicabal/9200000021030650/
Mitsubishi Outlander, Outlander PHEV cable bag
As a standard accessory for the Outlander PHEV, Pure manufactured this storage bag for the car’s charging cable. Also included is a pair of matching gloves to keep your hands clean when plugging in or unplugging the cable.
Shoe Protection, Floor display and counter display in one
Shoe protection is a growing market. This product is mainly used by sneaker fans as well as by anyone who likes to keep using their shoes for a long time. This display was present in shops all over Europe. Pure took care of the display development and logistics. The display can be used as a floor display, but the upper part is also a ready-to-use counter display. It is up to the retailer to decide what fits best in his or her shop.
Animal Organisation, Ballpoint pen with ears
Pure has developed this two-colour ballpoint pen for an international animal organisation. The colour can be changed by pushing the ears down. The colour, printing and shape of the ears are custom made.
Bookmark, Magnetic bookmark
We supply this magnetic bookmark to clients throughout Europe. The print is fully customisable and has a so-called lenticular effect.
Calendar, Wire-O calendar
Printed matter from the Far East is attractive, as long as it concerns higher print runs and more complex productions. This wire-O desk calendar is a good example of this.
Dikkie Dik, Dikkie Dik headband
Dikkie Dik is a famous Dutch red tomcat from a series of children’s picture books. For the 40th anniversary, a theatre show was developed about Dikkie Dik. During this theatre tour, the Dikkie Dik headbands – developed by Pure – were sold, so that the children could identify even better with this beloved cat.
Cheese Market, Cheese cooler bag
Buy two kilos of cheese on the market and get this cheese cooler bag for free. Sometimes a special offer can be as simple and effective as this one.
Response booster, Pen with four colours
You will never believe how many of these pens we’ve had made and how cheap there were. So we’re not going to write that down here. But if you are also looking for a low-cost response booster for your mailings, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Palletdisplay, Pallet discount display
Just before Christmas this year, Hasbro will be running a spectacular Games promotion. It will stand out thanks to the use of fluorescent inks and its links to the children’s charity KIKA. Pure is handling the development, manufacture and distribution of POS material to almost every toy shop in the Netherlands.
Pottery, Custom-made cow mug
Custom-made pottery. We can use existing or custom moulds for you. You will then have a premium or merchandise item that exudes value and will be used by your target group for a long time to come.
Twitter, Chocolate hashtag
To recruit marketers for advertising on Twitter, they received this surprise variation of the traditional Sinterklaas chocolate letter in December. The burlap bag also fits this theme.
Card sets, Direct mail card sets
Who still sends cards nowadays? True, but you will be surprised at the effects to the response if you put a free card set in your direct mailing. We produce and trade this in the Far East.
Plush, Plush tiger
Plush is one of Pure’s specialties. We make custom-made characters based on a drawing. This tiger is a finger puppet that we made from a sketch. When reading to children, it is a very nice item that helps create an intense experience of the story. Feel free to ask for our plush portfolio or other ideas to stimulate the impulse purchase of a (children’s) book.
Bols, Bols Corenwijn tubular container
For the exclusive 10-year-old Bols Corenwijn, we developed a luxury tubular container with foil printing. It is a gift box, but the stone bottles are always packaged in it. Because even if it’s not a gift for someone else, it’s definitely a gift for yourself!
ASICS, ASICS event kits
We make all kinds of kits for various sponsor events for ASICS’s key customers. These kits are provided to participants of sponsor trips for a visit to, for example, the Olympic Games or other major international events.
Handicap NL, Door mouse
This is an original custom-made doorstop for Handicap NL. This doorstop is useful for everyone, but especially for someone who wants to go through a door with a wheelchair.
HBO, Trendy hat
It’s always fun to take advantage of street fashion. This hat for HBO was worn by promotion teams and was distributed to new subscribers.
HBO, Telephone cases
Nice item – particularly for a younger target group that changes covers several times a week and often exchange or borrow them within the peer group. The ideal word of mouth for HBO.
Hills, Hills paper bag Starter Kit
Luxury paper bags for the first trial purchase of food for your young dog or cat. We made these Starter Kit bags for the whole of Europe in large quantities.
MT, MT Metal key ring
This key ring is fully custom-made with the customer’s logo as a starting point. This technique can already be used for a print run of a few thousand pieces.
Canon Europe, PIXMA dealer kit
This dealer kit motivates the shop staff to use the provided point of sale material and to study the product information in order to be able to give good advice to the customer.
Canon Europe, PIXMA goodies
Material to create brand awareness amongst salespeople on the shop floor. These are items that are useful in every-day use at work.
Tiendas Soriana, Thursday is Beer Day kit
These beer buckets were made to promote “Thursday is Beer Day” in a Mexican supermarket chain. It is a complete cooling bucket with glasses, bar towel, ashtray, coasters and bottle opener. Both the idea and the artwork were developed by Pure. These beer kits were sold in a special offer on pallets in mega stores.
Canon Europe, DVD sleeve/ Mini Display
This instruction DVD is contained in a sleeve that is also a shelf display. The mini display is automatically set up as soon as the DVD is pulled out of its case. Pure has developed these specially. Uniquely, this relatively complex item can be produced fully mechanically.
Werbeartikel sind Teil Ihrer Marketingstrategie und haben sowohl kurzfristige als auch langfristige Ziele.
Nachhaltigste Wahl, Karton-Kugelschreiber
Papier ist eines der am einfachsten zu recycelnden Materialien und hat eine begrenzte Auswirkung auf die Umwelt, wenn es in den Abfallstrom gelangt. Daher sind Karton-Kugelschreiber eine verantwortungsbewusste und nachhaltige Wahl.
HBO, Game of Thrones Tasse
Diese Tasse mit rotierendem Logo, die speziell für die TV-Serie Game of Thrones in Zusammenarbeit mit HBO entworfen wurde, ist ein Premium-Werbeartikel. Game of Thrones hat eine engagierte Fangemeinde, die ihre Liebe zur Serie gerne zeigt. Eindrucksvolle Merchandise bietet eine großartige Gelegenheit, diese Fans noch stärker an die Marke zu binden.
Rubix, 4-in-1 LED Nachtlicht
Dieses 4-in-1 LED-Nachtlicht ist vielseitig einsetzbar, von der Heimarbeit bis zum Kinderzimmer, vom Hotelzimmer bis zum Campingplatz. Es verfügt über einen Bewegungssensor, ein subtil seitlich strahlendes LED-Nachtlicht, USB-Anschlüsse und eine Standardsteckdose. Ein Werbeartikel, der von jedem geschätzt werden kann.
Maßgeschneiderte Socken, Socken, keine Krawatten!
Die Krawatte verliert in vielen Märkten an Bedeutung und ist daher in nicht allen europäischen Märkten mehr einsetzbar. Die maßgeschneiderte Socke gewinnt schnell an Boden. Das Artwork kann vollständig individuell gestaltet werden, was es zu einem wirklich kreativen Produkt macht. Auch die Verpackung trägt zum Geschenkgefühl bei.
MAN trucks, Maßgeschneiderte Firmenbekleidung
Über unser internationales Netzwerk können wir maßgeschneiderte Firmenbekleidung in relativ kleinen Stückzahlen entwickeln. Die Verwendung von eigener Kleidung in eigenen Farben und Details bietet eine größere Markenbekanntheit und fügt der Werbeartikel echte Wertschöpfung hinzu. Mit guter Planung sind die Kosten vergleichbar mit Standardmaterialien aus Lagerbeständen.
Elsom Seeds, Bekleidungslinie
Elsoms ist der führende unabhängige Saatgutspezialist und Pflanzenzüchter im Vereinigten Königreich. Wir haben eine Bekleidungslinie mit Poloshirts, T-Shirts, Hemden, Softshell-Westen, Beanies und Schals entwickelt. Wir haben auch den Bestellprozess organisiert, um den Betrieb unseres Kunden zu entlasten.
Kugelschreiber mit impact, Charakter-Kugelschreiber
Ein vollständig maßgeschneiderter Kugelschreiber. Dieser Kugelschreiber in Form eines Kochs bietet im Vergleich zu einem herkömmlichen Kugelschreiber zusätzliche Sichtbarkeit. Wie würde der Kugelschreiber aussehen, wenn wir einen für Ihre Organisation herstellen würden?
Sustainable writing, Cork pens
If you want to produce pens in very large quantities and suitable as a mailing insert, the product’s cost price and the light weight to limit postage costs are crucial. Cork turned out to be a suitable choice. Cork pens are more sustainable than plastic pens, and the plastic parts of these pens are made from wheat straw.
Insert für Mailings, Korkuntersetzer
Kork ist sogar leichter als Bambus und daher sehr gut für nachhaltige Werbeartikel geeignet. Für diesen Kunden ist das leichte Material interessant, da es als Beilage für Mailings verwendet wird. Das macht es nicht nur nachhaltig, sondern spart auch Portokosten.
Bleistift, Langfristige Werbeartikel
Ein Bleistift ist eine gute Alternative zu einem Kugelschreiber und bleibt oft länger bei den Menschen als die meisten Stifte. Ein sehr kostengünstiger Werbeartikel, der auch eine langfristige Sichtbarkeit bietet. Ist das nicht nachhaltig?
M & M, Peanut Ball
Who hasn’t heard of this M&M peanut ball? On paper it looks like an impossible product. In the shop, it is a promotional gift that stimulates sales like no other and on TV it’s an advertising property that lasts.
10KNTS, Custom made camera bags
For 10KNTS we developed a range of camera bags with the needs of today’s photographer in mind. Made of sturdy, water repellent canvas, the bag combines the traditions of old with the technique and functionality of today. No gimmicks, no compromises. Find out more about the bags at www.10knts.com. A 10KNTS bag stands out from the camera bag crowd. With its rectangular and diamond trademark design, every bag is uniquely 10KNTS. The 10KNTS camera bags are all made from a durable water repellent canvas. Inspired by windmill sails, the bags are built to cope with what life throws at them. So all you have to worry about is getting the shot. The shoulder strap of a 10KNTS bag is unique. Made of seatbelt webbing, it is strong, reliable and designed to never let you down. And it looks and feels pretty good too. The zips are high quality. For obvious reasons. Maybe less obvious, is the unique zip puller. Crafted from knotted parachute rope, these high tech pullers add a special touch to the 10KNTS bag. The colours of the bags are classic, yet modern. Stylish, yet trendy. A reflection of the nature and craftsmanship we admire and respect. With a twist. From bright orange piping, to cream shoulder straps, and orange lining. A pleasure to own. Every 10KNTS bag features signature stitching. Derived from windmill sails, it is strong and stylish. A nod and a wink to the craftsmanship and tradition. 10KNTS bags are designed with fast, easy access in mind. Whether it is the front access camera compartment of the backpack, or the split front flap on the shoulder bag. Because we understand that sometimes, a split second can make all the difference. With space for your camera and accessories, plus all those other essential items that you may need, a 10KNTS bag is spacious. Besides the pull out camera compartment, the backpack also features space for a laptop and more. The shoulder bag features an ipad/tablet compartment.
Mailing Insert, Felt keyrings
The use of felt made from recycled material limits the use of new raw materials. When fundraising for charities, projecting eco-friendliness is important. Felt also has a high-quality and unique appearance that is not yet widely used in promotional items.
HBO Winter, Winterkit
Pure has produced a range of winter-related items for HBO. The package includes blocks of chocolate, slippers and a folding wooden sledge. That makes a change from the usual ice scraper and fleece hat!
Mitsubishi, Outlander PHEV Goodiebag
Dank der Einführung des Outlander PHEV, des ersten Hybrid-SUV auf dem Markt, verzeichnete Mitsubishi 2013 bei weitem die höchsten Verkaufszahlen seit Jahren. Pure stellte personalisierte Goodie-Bags für jeden neuen Fahrer dieses Hybrid-SUVs bereit. Auch die Logistik bis hin zur Verteilung an die Händler übernahm Pure. Der Inhalt der Tasche bestand unter anderem aus einem Notizbuch, einer Anleitung auf DVD und einer Dose Autodrop.
Notice expedition, Shrink-wrapped mail pack
How do you find sponsors for a North Pole expedition? Pure introduced a new production technique for packaging direct mail. The shawl was vacuum-packed in aluminium foil to ensure that the embroidery was visible on the outside. In addition to the many spontaneous reactions, when follow-up calls were made to the recipients, they all knew exactly what it was about.
Hasbro, New Furby launch
After the product’s huge success in the 1990s, Hasbro is really going all out this year with the launch of the new Furby. Pure developed and produced all of the POS materials that may be found in nearly all of the toy stores in the Netherlands.
My little pony, Permanent display
Deze permanente display van My Little Pony is te vinden in de grotere speelgoedwinkels in Nederland. Naast het ontwerp en de productie heeft Pure ook het opzetten en afvullen van de displays verzorgd. Zo is ons handlingshuis ook weer op de hoogte van het laatste meisjes speelgoed!
FC Barcelona, Personalised merchandise
For FC Barcelona, a merchandise website was created where you can make a unique cartoon of yourself alongside your FC Barcelona hero. This image can then be printed on an officially licensed FC Barcelona shirt. Each print is unique and is directly applied to the shirt using DTG (Direct-to-Garment) printing techniques. The whole project was delivered turnkey, including the shipment of individual orders to fans across Europe.
The idea was born when we were brainstorming about the next step in the personalization trend. Adding your name or a number to an item is becoming increasingly popular, but what could be more personal than an illustration of yourself with your greatest hero? Since we strongly believe in the trend of personalization, we further developed this idea and presented it to FC Barcelona.
The concept involves creating an illustrated selfie of yourself with your hero online, bringing you closer to them. How does it work? First, you choose your FC Barcelona hero, and then you create an avatar of yourself using an ingenious tool. The illustration of your avatar and your hero is then printed on a t-shirt. This way, every t-shirt is unique. You can choose from five top players: Lionel Messi, Neymar Jr, Andres Iniesta, Luis Suárez, and Gerard Piqué. All t-shirts come with the official FC Barcelona merchandise label.
Houthoff Buruma, Custom made iPad cover
Houthoff Buruma is a long-established Netherlands based law firm with more than 300 lawyers and financial specialists. For internal and external relations, Pure developed a custom made iPad cover. The printed smartpad cover is a simple but effective and surprising communication tool.
Netherlands Rheumatism Fund, Gift fund collectors
As thanks for their efforts, all Rheumatism Fund collectors will this year receive a vase. This vase only takes shape when it is filled with water. Being completely flat makes it an ideal item for mailing.
Bambus und Fundraising, Mini-Schneidebretter
Auf unserem Weg zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit und Erschwinglichkeit greifen wir immer häufiger auf Bambusprodukte zurück. Sie wirken hochwertig, sind leicht und langlebig. Diese Mini-Schneidebretter produzieren wir in sehr großen Mengen für einen Kunden für Rekrutierungsaktivitäten.
Bols, Genever bowl
BOLS genever is the best cocktail base. It requires an exclusive presentation in the catering industry. A glass punch bowl is the most attractive, but it’s also too dangerous. We developed a superior, injection-moulded plastic product that is almost indistinguishable from a glass one. You won’t just find this punch bowl in nightclubs throughout the world; you will also find it in the Bols Genever Experience on the Holland Boulevard at Schiphol Amsterdam Airport as well as in the collection of the House of Bols museum on Museum Square.
Yamaha, Merchandise for kids
Although you have to be 18 to ride a motorcycle, the brand preference for YAMAHA often starts at a younger age. Pure developed these merchandising products which are available via the showrooms of European motorcycle dealers.
ADCN, ADCN Yearbook
The ADCN Lamp of Art Directors Club Nederland is the most prestigious advertising- and design award in the Netherlands. Award winning work is included in an always much talked about yearbook with a limited edition. Pure had the honour to mark up for the production of yearbook 2012 of which every single version is unique.
Reuma Nederland, Teaspoons for collectors
This range of spoons has been developed to provide the coordinators of Reuma Nederland’s collection week with a present at each five-year anniversary of volunteering.
KRE-O, Multimedia Display
One of the biggest toy introductions last year: KRE-O. This multimedia (video, sound and light effects) display was developed to attract maximum attention on the shop floor.
Merchandise Fußballverein, SC Telstar
Eigenwilliger Fußballverein, der in der zweiten Profidivision der Niederlande spielt. Telstar hat eine treue regionale Fangemeinde, die dies gerne mit ebenso eigenwilliger Merchandise zum Ausdruck bringt.
Houthoff Buruma, Book, Magazine, Newsletter
Houthoff Buruma is a long-established Netherlands based law firm with more than 300 lawyers and financial specialists. since 2011 Pure is responsible for the internal and external print communications, from the design to finished product.
Golf Tee Pencil, Product Innovatie
You no longer have to look for your pen or pencil to note your score. Make the putt, write down your score and in no time you’re on your way to the next hole with this practical golf tee pencil. Combining two functions in one is always a good basis for product innovation.
Wilhelmus, Sound module T-shirts
It’s great to see our creations in stores! The Wilhelmus music shirt plays the first verse from the Wilhelmus (Dutch national anthem) when faithful fans place a hand over their heart. This project was realised in cooperation with Lotto. Buy the shirt on the Perry Sport website http://www.perrysport.nl/lotto-wilhelmus-muziek-shirt_903025.html.
Austrian Charity Fund, Paperclip Bear
We made this king-sized paperclip out of silicone for an Austrian charity. This paperclip provides an affordable and a curiosity-invoking bump in the envelope that increased the response and donation amount.
Nippon Express, Grundsortiment Geschenken
Grundsortiment an Geschenken für europäische Kunden. Baumwolltasche, Polo, Kappe, Heft, Stift, Minzbonbons und Powerbank.
Plus, Easter colouring tablecloth
A tablecloth that will keep kids busy for weeks – after all, it still has to be coloured in! This year, Easter brunch will be even more of a happening than ever, and this of course means a trip to the store to purchase all the necessary items. Free for all PLUS customers. Watch the commercial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpxxD_fA-r4
Bols, Cocktail Toolkit
Available at Gall & Gall, among other stores, the Bols Toolkit makes it easy to mix the tastiest cocktails. Pure developed both the packaging and the contents, and had them produced in Asia.
HBO, Welcome mailpack
In 2012 the American TV channel HBO is launched in the Netherlands. Pure took care of the production and handling of the introduction mailing for KPN customers. We produce marketing communication materials in its broadest sense. Even if you need popcorn you have come to the right place.
Legends, Packaging 2.0
American Express, Platinum Preview
American Express cannot present its Platinum card holders with a mediocre piece of printed matter. The Platinum Preview has been a product at Pure for which we always do our utmost to meet the highest quality standards.
Hills, Cat tunnel
A very compact promotional gift, but once home and set up, it’s a great eye-catcher. Many customers whose businesses are wholly unrelated to cats have asked us for a sample. We still have a few left…
Reumafonds, Educational materials
Education is one of the Reumafonds’ important tasks. Pure develops, produces, manages and sends out the Reumafonds’ informational materials. Orders from private individuals and institutions may be placed via a customised online ordering service.
Shuangxi cigarettes, Limited edition Schiphol
Schiphol is an important destination and transfer airport for the Chinese. Traditionally, they buy duty-free western brands as a status symbol. However, the taste of brands such as Marlboro is not really appreciated, which is the reason behind this promotion: the popular and familiar Chinese Shuangxi cigarettes in a specially printed “Limited Edition Gift Pack for European Market”.
Mailpack, Printed matter from the Far East
Pure provides high-volume print productions from the Far East. This writing set is part of a mailing. The set consists of many different items and is delivered as one complete mail pack, so that the costs per direct mailing are limited.
Canon Europe, EOS Dealerkit
With every new camera introduction, it is a challenge to truly embed the product in the minds of the dealer’s sales staff, and to provide suitable point-of-sale materials that stores will actually use. This is something we never get tired of doing.
Fox Sports, Premier League package
Making services tangible. That’s what Pure does. Order the FOX Sports Dutch Premier League package from bol.com and receive the official Derbystar Dutch Premier League 2013/2014 football including two months’ free FOX Sports Dutch Premier League. http://www.bol.com/nl/p/2-maanden-fox-sports-eredivisie-derbystar-eredivisie-2013-2014-replicabal/9200000021030650/
Mitsubishi Outlander, Outlander PHEV cable bag
As a standard accessory for the Outlander PHEV, Pure manufactured this storage bag for the car’s charging cable. Also included is a pair of matching gloves to keep your hands clean when plugging in or unplugging the cable.
Shoe Protection, Floor display and counter display in one
Shoe protection is a growing market. This product is mainly used by sneaker fans as well as by anyone who likes to keep using their shoes for a long time. This display was present in shops all over Europe. Pure took care of the display development and logistics. The display can be used as a floor display, but the upper part is also a ready-to-use counter display. It is up to the retailer to decide what fits best in his or her shop.
Animal Organisation, Ballpoint pen with ears
Pure has developed this two-colour ballpoint pen for an international animal organisation. The colour can be changed by pushing the ears down. The colour, printing and shape of the ears are custom made.
Bookmark, Magnetic bookmark
We supply this magnetic bookmark to clients throughout Europe. The print is fully customisable and has a so-called lenticular effect.
Calendar, Wire-O calendar
Printed matter from the Far East is attractive, as long as it concerns higher print runs and more complex productions. This wire-O desk calendar is a good example of this.
Dikkie Dik, Dikkie Dik headband
Dikkie Dik is a famous Dutch red tomcat from a series of children’s picture books. For the 40th anniversary, a theatre show was developed about Dikkie Dik. During this theatre tour, the Dikkie Dik headbands – developed by Pure – were sold, so that the children could identify even better with this beloved cat.
Cheese Market, Cheese cooler bag
Buy two kilos of cheese on the market and get this cheese cooler bag for free. Sometimes a special offer can be as simple and effective as this one.
Response booster, Pen with four colours
You will never believe how many of these pens we’ve had made and how cheap there were. So we’re not going to write that down here. But if you are also looking for a low-cost response booster for your mailings, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Palletdisplay, Pallet discount display
Just before Christmas this year, Hasbro will be running a spectacular Games promotion. It will stand out thanks to the use of fluorescent inks and its links to the children’s charity KIKA. Pure is handling the development, manufacture and distribution of POS material to almost every toy shop in the Netherlands.
Pottery, Custom-made cow mug
Custom-made pottery. We can use existing or custom moulds for you. You will then have a premium or merchandise item that exudes value and will be used by your target group for a long time to come.
Twitter, Chocolate hashtag
To recruit marketers for advertising on Twitter, they received this surprise variation of the traditional Sinterklaas chocolate letter in December. The burlap bag also fits this theme.
Card sets, Direct mail card sets
Who still sends cards nowadays? True, but you will be surprised at the effects to the response if you put a free card set in your direct mailing. We produce and trade this in the Far East.
Plush, Plush tiger
Plush is one of Pure’s specialties. We make custom-made characters based on a drawing. This tiger is a finger puppet that we made from a sketch. When reading to children, it is a very nice item that helps create an intense experience of the story. Feel free to ask for our plush portfolio or other ideas to stimulate the impulse purchase of a (children’s) book.
Bols, Bols Corenwijn tubular container
For the exclusive 10-year-old Bols Corenwijn, we developed a luxury tubular container with foil printing. It is a gift box, but the stone bottles are always packaged in it. Because even if it’s not a gift for someone else, it’s definitely a gift for yourself!
ASICS, ASICS event kits
We make all kinds of kits for various sponsor events for ASICS’s key customers. These kits are provided to participants of sponsor trips for a visit to, for example, the Olympic Games or other major international events.
Handicap NL, Door mouse
This is an original custom-made doorstop for Handicap NL. This doorstop is useful for everyone, but especially for someone who wants to go through a door with a wheelchair.
HBO, Trendy hat
It’s always fun to take advantage of street fashion. This hat for HBO was worn by promotion teams and was distributed to new subscribers.
HBO, Telephone cases
Nice item – particularly for a younger target group that changes covers several times a week and often exchange or borrow them within the peer group. The ideal word of mouth for HBO.
Hills, Hills paper bag Starter Kit
Luxury paper bags for the first trial purchase of food for your young dog or cat. We made these Starter Kit bags for the whole of Europe in large quantities.
MT, MT Metal key ring
This key ring is fully custom-made with the customer’s logo as a starting point. This technique can already be used for a print run of a few thousand pieces.
Canon Europe, PIXMA dealer kit
This dealer kit motivates the shop staff to use the provided point of sale material and to study the product information in order to be able to give good advice to the customer.
Canon Europe, PIXMA goodies
Material to create brand awareness amongst salespeople on the shop floor. These are items that are useful in every-day use at work.
Tiendas Soriana, Thursday is Beer Day kit
These beer buckets were made to promote “Thursday is Beer Day” in a Mexican supermarket chain. It is a complete cooling bucket with glasses, bar towel, ashtray, coasters and bottle opener. Both the idea and the artwork were developed by Pure. These beer kits were sold in a special offer on pallets in mega stores.
Canon Europe, DVD sleeve/ Mini Display
This instruction DVD is contained in a sleeve that is also a shelf display. The mini display is automatically set up as soon as the DVD is pulled out of its case. Pure has developed these specially. Uniquely, this relatively complex item can be produced fully mechanically.
Wir halten immer Ausschau, um unsere gemeinsame Umweltleistung zu verbessern.
Nachhaltigste Wahl, Karton-Kugelschreiber
Papier ist eines der am einfachsten zu recycelnden Materialien und hat eine begrenzte Auswirkung auf die Umwelt, wenn es in den Abfallstrom gelangt. Daher sind Karton-Kugelschreiber eine verantwortungsbewusste und nachhaltige Wahl.
HBO, Game of Thrones Tasse
Diese Tasse mit rotierendem Logo, die speziell für die TV-Serie Game of Thrones in Zusammenarbeit mit HBO entworfen wurde, ist ein Premium-Werbeartikel. Game of Thrones hat eine engagierte Fangemeinde, die ihre Liebe zur Serie gerne zeigt. Eindrucksvolle Merchandise bietet eine großartige Gelegenheit, diese Fans noch stärker an die Marke zu binden.
Rubix, 4-in-1 LED Nachtlicht
Dieses 4-in-1 LED-Nachtlicht ist vielseitig einsetzbar, von der Heimarbeit bis zum Kinderzimmer, vom Hotelzimmer bis zum Campingplatz. Es verfügt über einen Bewegungssensor, ein subtil seitlich strahlendes LED-Nachtlicht, USB-Anschlüsse und eine Standardsteckdose. Ein Werbeartikel, der von jedem geschätzt werden kann.
Maßgeschneiderte Socken, Socken, keine Krawatten!
Die Krawatte verliert in vielen Märkten an Bedeutung und ist daher in nicht allen europäischen Märkten mehr einsetzbar. Die maßgeschneiderte Socke gewinnt schnell an Boden. Das Artwork kann vollständig individuell gestaltet werden, was es zu einem wirklich kreativen Produkt macht. Auch die Verpackung trägt zum Geschenkgefühl bei.
MAN trucks, Maßgeschneiderte Firmenbekleidung
Über unser internationales Netzwerk können wir maßgeschneiderte Firmenbekleidung in relativ kleinen Stückzahlen entwickeln. Die Verwendung von eigener Kleidung in eigenen Farben und Details bietet eine größere Markenbekanntheit und fügt der Werbeartikel echte Wertschöpfung hinzu. Mit guter Planung sind die Kosten vergleichbar mit Standardmaterialien aus Lagerbeständen.
Elsom Seeds, Bekleidungslinie
Elsoms ist der führende unabhängige Saatgutspezialist und Pflanzenzüchter im Vereinigten Königreich. Wir haben eine Bekleidungslinie mit Poloshirts, T-Shirts, Hemden, Softshell-Westen, Beanies und Schals entwickelt. Wir haben auch den Bestellprozess organisiert, um den Betrieb unseres Kunden zu entlasten.
Kugelschreiber mit impact, Charakter-Kugelschreiber
Ein vollständig maßgeschneiderter Kugelschreiber. Dieser Kugelschreiber in Form eines Kochs bietet im Vergleich zu einem herkömmlichen Kugelschreiber zusätzliche Sichtbarkeit. Wie würde der Kugelschreiber aussehen, wenn wir einen für Ihre Organisation herstellen würden?
Sustainable writing, Cork pens
If you want to produce pens in very large quantities and suitable as a mailing insert, the product’s cost price and the light weight to limit postage costs are crucial. Cork turned out to be a suitable choice. Cork pens are more sustainable than plastic pens, and the plastic parts of these pens are made from wheat straw.
Insert für Mailings, Korkuntersetzer
Kork ist sogar leichter als Bambus und daher sehr gut für nachhaltige Werbeartikel geeignet. Für diesen Kunden ist das leichte Material interessant, da es als Beilage für Mailings verwendet wird. Das macht es nicht nur nachhaltig, sondern spart auch Portokosten.
Bleistift, Langfristige Werbeartikel
Ein Bleistift ist eine gute Alternative zu einem Kugelschreiber und bleibt oft länger bei den Menschen als die meisten Stifte. Ein sehr kostengünstiger Werbeartikel, der auch eine langfristige Sichtbarkeit bietet. Ist das nicht nachhaltig?
M & M, Peanut Ball
Who hasn’t heard of this M&M peanut ball? On paper it looks like an impossible product. In the shop, it is a promotional gift that stimulates sales like no other and on TV it’s an advertising property that lasts.
10KNTS, Custom made camera bags
For 10KNTS we developed a range of camera bags with the needs of today’s photographer in mind. Made of sturdy, water repellent canvas, the bag combines the traditions of old with the technique and functionality of today. No gimmicks, no compromises. Find out more about the bags at www.10knts.com. A 10KNTS bag stands out from the camera bag crowd. With its rectangular and diamond trademark design, every bag is uniquely 10KNTS. The 10KNTS camera bags are all made from a durable water repellent canvas. Inspired by windmill sails, the bags are built to cope with what life throws at them. So all you have to worry about is getting the shot. The shoulder strap of a 10KNTS bag is unique. Made of seatbelt webbing, it is strong, reliable and designed to never let you down. And it looks and feels pretty good too. The zips are high quality. For obvious reasons. Maybe less obvious, is the unique zip puller. Crafted from knotted parachute rope, these high tech pullers add a special touch to the 10KNTS bag. The colours of the bags are classic, yet modern. Stylish, yet trendy. A reflection of the nature and craftsmanship we admire and respect. With a twist. From bright orange piping, to cream shoulder straps, and orange lining. A pleasure to own. Every 10KNTS bag features signature stitching. Derived from windmill sails, it is strong and stylish. A nod and a wink to the craftsmanship and tradition. 10KNTS bags are designed with fast, easy access in mind. Whether it is the front access camera compartment of the backpack, or the split front flap on the shoulder bag. Because we understand that sometimes, a split second can make all the difference. With space for your camera and accessories, plus all those other essential items that you may need, a 10KNTS bag is spacious. Besides the pull out camera compartment, the backpack also features space for a laptop and more. The shoulder bag features an ipad/tablet compartment.
Mailing Insert, Felt keyrings
The use of felt made from recycled material limits the use of new raw materials. When fundraising for charities, projecting eco-friendliness is important. Felt also has a high-quality and unique appearance that is not yet widely used in promotional items.
HBO Winter, Winterkit
Pure has produced a range of winter-related items for HBO. The package includes blocks of chocolate, slippers and a folding wooden sledge. That makes a change from the usual ice scraper and fleece hat!
Mitsubishi, Outlander PHEV Goodiebag
Dank der Einführung des Outlander PHEV, des ersten Hybrid-SUV auf dem Markt, verzeichnete Mitsubishi 2013 bei weitem die höchsten Verkaufszahlen seit Jahren. Pure stellte personalisierte Goodie-Bags für jeden neuen Fahrer dieses Hybrid-SUVs bereit. Auch die Logistik bis hin zur Verteilung an die Händler übernahm Pure. Der Inhalt der Tasche bestand unter anderem aus einem Notizbuch, einer Anleitung auf DVD und einer Dose Autodrop.
Notice expedition, Shrink-wrapped mail pack
How do you find sponsors for a North Pole expedition? Pure introduced a new production technique for packaging direct mail. The shawl was vacuum-packed in aluminium foil to ensure that the embroidery was visible on the outside. In addition to the many spontaneous reactions, when follow-up calls were made to the recipients, they all knew exactly what it was about.
Hasbro, New Furby launch
After the product’s huge success in the 1990s, Hasbro is really going all out this year with the launch of the new Furby. Pure developed and produced all of the POS materials that may be found in nearly all of the toy stores in the Netherlands.
My little pony, Permanent display
Deze permanente display van My Little Pony is te vinden in de grotere speelgoedwinkels in Nederland. Naast het ontwerp en de productie heeft Pure ook het opzetten en afvullen van de displays verzorgd. Zo is ons handlingshuis ook weer op de hoogte van het laatste meisjes speelgoed!
FC Barcelona, Personalised merchandise
For FC Barcelona, a merchandise website was created where you can make a unique cartoon of yourself alongside your FC Barcelona hero. This image can then be printed on an officially licensed FC Barcelona shirt. Each print is unique and is directly applied to the shirt using DTG (Direct-to-Garment) printing techniques. The whole project was delivered turnkey, including the shipment of individual orders to fans across Europe.
The idea was born when we were brainstorming about the next step in the personalization trend. Adding your name or a number to an item is becoming increasingly popular, but what could be more personal than an illustration of yourself with your greatest hero? Since we strongly believe in the trend of personalization, we further developed this idea and presented it to FC Barcelona.
The concept involves creating an illustrated selfie of yourself with your hero online, bringing you closer to them. How does it work? First, you choose your FC Barcelona hero, and then you create an avatar of yourself using an ingenious tool. The illustration of your avatar and your hero is then printed on a t-shirt. This way, every t-shirt is unique. You can choose from five top players: Lionel Messi, Neymar Jr, Andres Iniesta, Luis Suárez, and Gerard Piqué. All t-shirts come with the official FC Barcelona merchandise label.
Houthoff Buruma, Custom made iPad cover
Houthoff Buruma is a long-established Netherlands based law firm with more than 300 lawyers and financial specialists. For internal and external relations, Pure developed a custom made iPad cover. The printed smartpad cover is a simple but effective and surprising communication tool.
Netherlands Rheumatism Fund, Gift fund collectors
As thanks for their efforts, all Rheumatism Fund collectors will this year receive a vase. This vase only takes shape when it is filled with water. Being completely flat makes it an ideal item for mailing.
Bambus und Fundraising, Mini-Schneidebretter
Auf unserem Weg zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit und Erschwinglichkeit greifen wir immer häufiger auf Bambusprodukte zurück. Sie wirken hochwertig, sind leicht und langlebig. Diese Mini-Schneidebretter produzieren wir in sehr großen Mengen für einen Kunden für Rekrutierungsaktivitäten.
Bols, Genever bowl
BOLS genever is the best cocktail base. It requires an exclusive presentation in the catering industry. A glass punch bowl is the most attractive, but it’s also too dangerous. We developed a superior, injection-moulded plastic product that is almost indistinguishable from a glass one. You won’t just find this punch bowl in nightclubs throughout the world; you will also find it in the Bols Genever Experience on the Holland Boulevard at Schiphol Amsterdam Airport as well as in the collection of the House of Bols museum on Museum Square.
Yamaha, Merchandise for kids
Although you have to be 18 to ride a motorcycle, the brand preference for YAMAHA often starts at a younger age. Pure developed these merchandising products which are available via the showrooms of European motorcycle dealers.
ADCN, ADCN Yearbook
The ADCN Lamp of Art Directors Club Nederland is the most prestigious advertising- and design award in the Netherlands. Award winning work is included in an always much talked about yearbook with a limited edition. Pure had the honour to mark up for the production of yearbook 2012 of which every single version is unique.
Reuma Nederland, Teaspoons for collectors
This range of spoons has been developed to provide the coordinators of Reuma Nederland’s collection week with a present at each five-year anniversary of volunteering.
KRE-O, Multimedia Display
One of the biggest toy introductions last year: KRE-O. This multimedia (video, sound and light effects) display was developed to attract maximum attention on the shop floor.
Merchandise Fußballverein, SC Telstar
Eigenwilliger Fußballverein, der in der zweiten Profidivision der Niederlande spielt. Telstar hat eine treue regionale Fangemeinde, die dies gerne mit ebenso eigenwilliger Merchandise zum Ausdruck bringt.
Houthoff Buruma, Book, Magazine, Newsletter
Houthoff Buruma is a long-established Netherlands based law firm with more than 300 lawyers and financial specialists. since 2011 Pure is responsible for the internal and external print communications, from the design to finished product.
Golf Tee Pencil, Product Innovatie
You no longer have to look for your pen or pencil to note your score. Make the putt, write down your score and in no time you’re on your way to the next hole with this practical golf tee pencil. Combining two functions in one is always a good basis for product innovation.
Wilhelmus, Sound module T-shirts
It’s great to see our creations in stores! The Wilhelmus music shirt plays the first verse from the Wilhelmus (Dutch national anthem) when faithful fans place a hand over their heart. This project was realised in cooperation with Lotto. Buy the shirt on the Perry Sport website http://www.perrysport.nl/lotto-wilhelmus-muziek-shirt_903025.html.
Austrian Charity Fund, Paperclip Bear
We made this king-sized paperclip out of silicone for an Austrian charity. This paperclip provides an affordable and a curiosity-invoking bump in the envelope that increased the response and donation amount.
Nippon Express, Grundsortiment Geschenken
Grundsortiment an Geschenken für europäische Kunden. Baumwolltasche, Polo, Kappe, Heft, Stift, Minzbonbons und Powerbank.
Plus, Easter colouring tablecloth
A tablecloth that will keep kids busy for weeks – after all, it still has to be coloured in! This year, Easter brunch will be even more of a happening than ever, and this of course means a trip to the store to purchase all the necessary items. Free for all PLUS customers. Watch the commercial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpxxD_fA-r4
Bols, Cocktail Toolkit
Available at Gall & Gall, among other stores, the Bols Toolkit makes it easy to mix the tastiest cocktails. Pure developed both the packaging and the contents, and had them produced in Asia.
HBO, Welcome mailpack
In 2012 the American TV channel HBO is launched in the Netherlands. Pure took care of the production and handling of the introduction mailing for KPN customers. We produce marketing communication materials in its broadest sense. Even if you need popcorn you have come to the right place.
Legends, Packaging 2.0
American Express, Platinum Preview
American Express cannot present its Platinum card holders with a mediocre piece of printed matter. The Platinum Preview has been a product at Pure for which we always do our utmost to meet the highest quality standards.
Hills, Cat tunnel
A very compact promotional gift, but once home and set up, it’s a great eye-catcher. Many customers whose businesses are wholly unrelated to cats have asked us for a sample. We still have a few left…
Reumafonds, Educational materials
Education is one of the Reumafonds’ important tasks. Pure develops, produces, manages and sends out the Reumafonds’ informational materials. Orders from private individuals and institutions may be placed via a customised online ordering service.
Shuangxi cigarettes, Limited edition Schiphol
Schiphol is an important destination and transfer airport for the Chinese. Traditionally, they buy duty-free western brands as a status symbol. However, the taste of brands such as Marlboro is not really appreciated, which is the reason behind this promotion: the popular and familiar Chinese Shuangxi cigarettes in a specially printed “Limited Edition Gift Pack for European Market”.
Mailpack, Printed matter from the Far East
Pure provides high-volume print productions from the Far East. This writing set is part of a mailing. The set consists of many different items and is delivered as one complete mail pack, so that the costs per direct mailing are limited.
Canon Europe, EOS Dealerkit
With every new camera introduction, it is a challenge to truly embed the product in the minds of the dealer’s sales staff, and to provide suitable point-of-sale materials that stores will actually use. This is something we never get tired of doing.
Fox Sports, Premier League package
Making services tangible. That’s what Pure does. Order the FOX Sports Dutch Premier League package from bol.com and receive the official Derbystar Dutch Premier League 2013/2014 football including two months’ free FOX Sports Dutch Premier League. http://www.bol.com/nl/p/2-maanden-fox-sports-eredivisie-derbystar-eredivisie-2013-2014-replicabal/9200000021030650/
Mitsubishi Outlander, Outlander PHEV cable bag
As a standard accessory for the Outlander PHEV, Pure manufactured this storage bag for the car’s charging cable. Also included is a pair of matching gloves to keep your hands clean when plugging in or unplugging the cable.
Shoe Protection, Floor display and counter display in one
Shoe protection is a growing market. This product is mainly used by sneaker fans as well as by anyone who likes to keep using their shoes for a long time. This display was present in shops all over Europe. Pure took care of the display development and logistics. The display can be used as a floor display, but the upper part is also a ready-to-use counter display. It is up to the retailer to decide what fits best in his or her shop.
Animal Organisation, Ballpoint pen with ears
Pure has developed this two-colour ballpoint pen for an international animal organisation. The colour can be changed by pushing the ears down. The colour, printing and shape of the ears are custom made.
Bookmark, Magnetic bookmark
We supply this magnetic bookmark to clients throughout Europe. The print is fully customisable and has a so-called lenticular effect.
Calendar, Wire-O calendar
Printed matter from the Far East is attractive, as long as it concerns higher print runs and more complex productions. This wire-O desk calendar is a good example of this.
Dikkie Dik, Dikkie Dik headband
Dikkie Dik is a famous Dutch red tomcat from a series of children’s picture books. For the 40th anniversary, a theatre show was developed about Dikkie Dik. During this theatre tour, the Dikkie Dik headbands – developed by Pure – were sold, so that the children could identify even better with this beloved cat.
Cheese Market, Cheese cooler bag
Buy two kilos of cheese on the market and get this cheese cooler bag for free. Sometimes a special offer can be as simple and effective as this one.
Response booster, Pen with four colours
You will never believe how many of these pens we’ve had made and how cheap there were. So we’re not going to write that down here. But if you are also looking for a low-cost response booster for your mailings, don’t hesitate to contact us.
Palletdisplay, Pallet discount display
Just before Christmas this year, Hasbro will be running a spectacular Games promotion. It will stand out thanks to the use of fluorescent inks and its links to the children’s charity KIKA. Pure is handling the development, manufacture and distribution of POS material to almost every toy shop in the Netherlands.
Pottery, Custom-made cow mug
Custom-made pottery. We can use existing or custom moulds for you. You will then have a premium or merchandise item that exudes value and will be used by your target group for a long time to come.
Twitter, Chocolate hashtag
To recruit marketers for advertising on Twitter, they received this surprise variation of the traditional Sinterklaas chocolate letter in December. The burlap bag also fits this theme.
Card sets, Direct mail card sets
Who still sends cards nowadays? True, but you will be surprised at the effects to the response if you put a free card set in your direct mailing. We produce and trade this in the Far East.
Plush, Plush tiger
Plush is one of Pure’s specialties. We make custom-made characters based on a drawing. This tiger is a finger puppet that we made from a sketch. When reading to children, it is a very nice item that helps create an intense experience of the story. Feel free to ask for our plush portfolio or other ideas to stimulate the impulse purchase of a (children’s) book.
Bols, Bols Corenwijn tubular container
For the exclusive 10-year-old Bols Corenwijn, we developed a luxury tubular container with foil printing. It is a gift box, but the stone bottles are always packaged in it. Because even if it’s not a gift for someone else, it’s definitely a gift for yourself!
ASICS, ASICS event kits
We make all kinds of kits for various sponsor events for ASICS’s key customers. These kits are provided to participants of sponsor trips for a visit to, for example, the Olympic Games or other major international events.
Handicap NL, Door mouse
This is an original custom-made doorstop for Handicap NL. This doorstop is useful for everyone, but especially for someone who wants to go through a door with a wheelchair.
HBO, Trendy hat
It’s always fun to take advantage of street fashion. This hat for HBO was worn by promotion teams and was distributed to new subscribers.
HBO, Telephone cases
Nice item – particularly for a younger target group that changes covers several times a week and often exchange or borrow them within the peer group. The ideal word of mouth for HBO.
Hills, Hills paper bag Starter Kit
Luxury paper bags for the first trial purchase of food for your young dog or cat. We made these Starter Kit bags for the whole of Europe in large quantities.
MT, MT Metal key ring
This key ring is fully custom-made with the customer’s logo as a starting point. This technique can already be used for a print run of a few thousand pieces.
Canon Europe, PIXMA dealer kit
This dealer kit motivates the shop staff to use the provided point of sale material and to study the product information in order to be able to give good advice to the customer.
Canon Europe, PIXMA goodies
Material to create brand awareness amongst salespeople on the shop floor. These are items that are useful in every-day use at work.
Tiendas Soriana, Thursday is Beer Day kit
These beer buckets were made to promote “Thursday is Beer Day” in a Mexican supermarket chain. It is a complete cooling bucket with glasses, bar towel, ashtray, coasters and bottle opener. Both the idea and the artwork were developed by Pure. These beer kits were sold in a special offer on pallets in mega stores.
Canon Europe, DVD sleeve/ Mini Display
This instruction DVD is contained in a sleeve that is also a shelf display. The mini display is automatically set up as soon as the DVD is pulled out of its case. Pure has developed these specially. Uniquely, this relatively complex item can be produced fully mechanically.
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